csbl.bmb.uga.edu - dbCAN is a web server and DataBase for automated Carbohydrate-active enzyme ANnotation, funded by the BioEnergy Science Center of the DOE. Similar resources on the web include CAZy database and CAT. All...
biodbnet-abcc.ncifcrf.gov - Database to Database Conversions
db2db allows for conversions of identifiers from one database to other database identifiers or annotations. To use db2db select the input type of your data, changing the input type automatically changes the output...
dunbrack.fccc.edu - BioDownloader is a program for downloading and/or updating files from ftp/http servers. The program has unique features that are specifically designed to deal with bioinformatics data files and servers:
optimized to work with vast amount of data...
Nothing can add to our intellect more than reading a book. In books, we can experience new things that we would not normally be able to experience. It is proved that books can change our lives and other people’s lives. Reading can make...
webs.iiitd.edu.in - Fragile sites are specific chromosomal region that exhibit an increased frequency of chromosdomal breakge when cells are exposed to replicative stress. Since from the discovery of chromosomal fragile sites/regions (CFS), several line of evidence...
console.cloud.google.com - List of publically available databases on google server.
More at https://software.broadinstitute.org/gatk/download/bundle
ivory.idyll.org - DNA k-mers underlie much of our assembly work, and we (along with many others!) have spent a lot of time thinking about how to store k-mer graphs efficiently, discard redundant data, and count them efficiently.
More recently, we've...