csbl.bmb.uga.edu - dbCAN is a web server and DataBase for automated Carbohydrate-active enzyme ANnotation, funded by the BioEnergy Science Center of the DOE. Similar resources on the web include CAZy database and CAT. All...
ancestralgenomes.org - Ancestral Genomes (http://ancestralgenomes.org) is a resource for comprehensive reconstructions of these ‘fossil genomes’. Comprehensive sets of protein-coding genes have been reconstructed for 78 genomes of now-extinct species...
www.ici.upmc.fr - ClueGO is a Cytoscape plug-in that visualizes the non-redundant biological terms for large clusters of genes in a functionally grouped network and it can be used in combination with GOlorize. The identifiers can be uploaded from a text file or...
github.com - Orthoflow is a workflow for phylogenetic inference of genome-scale datasets of protein-coding genes. Our goal was to make it straightforward to work from a combination of input sources including annotated contigs in Genbank format and FASTA files...
RGCB is organizing the 33rd Annual Convention of Indian Association for Cancer Research from 13th to 15th February 2014 with the theme "Discovery, Innovation and Translation in Cancer Research"
Kindly log on to conference website...
biogps.org - A free extensible and customizable gene annotation portal, a complete resource for learning about gene and protein function.
www.bioconductor.org - Development of cancer is driven by somatic alterations, including numerical and structural chromosomal aberrations. Currently, several computational methods are available and are widely applied to detect numerical copy number aberrations (CNAs) of...
www.vicbioinformatics.com - Prokka is a software tool for the rapid annotation of prokaryotic genomes. A typical 4 Mbp genome can be fully annotated in less than 10 minutes on a quad-core computer, and scales well to 32 core SMP systems. It produces GFF3, GBK and SQN files...
github.com - To create a fresh environment for chromatiblock to run in do:
conda create --name chromatiblock
conda activate chromatiblock
conda install chromatiblock --channel conda-forge --channel bioconda
Then in future to run chromatiblock you can...