www.dkfz.de - TelomereHunter is a tool for estimating telomere content from human whole-genome sequencing data. It is designed to take BAM files from a tumor and a matching control sample as input. However, it is also possible to run TelomereHunter with one input...
academic.oup.com - RAMI, which clusters related nodes in a phylogenetic tree based on the patristic distance. RAMI also produces indices of cluster properties and other indices used in population and community studies on-the-fly.
Availability: RAMI is licensed...
github.com - Synteny Imaging tool (Synima) written in Perl, which uses the graphical features of R. Synima takes orthologues computed from reciprocal best BLAST hits or OrthoMCL, and DAGchainer, and outputs an overview of genome-wide synteny in PDF. Each of...
github.com - Heap, that enables robustly sensitive and accurate calling of SNPs, particularly with a low coverage NGS data, which must be aligned to the reference genome sequences in advance. To reduce false positive SNPs, Heap determines genotypes and calls...
github.com - Porechop is a tool for finding and removing adapters from Oxford Nanopore reads. Adapters on the ends of reads are trimmed off, and when a read has an adapter in its middle, it is treated as chimeric and chopped into separate reads. Porechop...
http://higlass.io/ - HiGlass is a tool for exploring genomic contact matrices and tracks. Please take a look at the examples and documentation for a description of the ways that it can be configured to explore and compare contact matrices. To load private data, HiGlass...
github.com - FMLRC, or FM-index Long Read Corrector, is a tool for performing hybrid correction of long read sequencing using the BWT and FM-index of short-read sequencing data. Given a BWT of the short-read sequencing data, FMLRC will build an FM-index and use...
www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk - SeqMonk is a program to enable the visualisation and analysis of mapped sequence data. It was written for use with mapped next generation sequence data but can in theory be used for any dataset which can be expressed as a series of genomic...
www.kegg.jp - KOALA (KEGG Orthology And Links Annotation) is KEGG's internal annotation tool for K number assignment of KEGG GENES using SSEARCH computation. BlastKOALA and GhostKOALA assign K numbers to the user's sequence data...
github.com - Miniasm is a great long-read assembly tool: straight-forward, effective and very fast. However, it does not include a polishing step, so its assemblies have a high error rate – they are essentially made of stitched-together pieces of long...