BLASTn output format 6
BLASTn maps DNA against DNA, for example gene sequences against a reference genomeblastn -query genes.ffn -subject genome.fna -outfmt 6
BLASTn tabular output format 6
Column headers:qseqid sseqid pident... - KOALA (KEGG Orthology And Links Annotation) is KEGG's internal annotation tool for K number assignment of KEGG GENES using SSEARCH computation. BlastKOALA and GhostKOALA assign K numbers to the user's sequence data... - UPhO finds orthologs with and without inparalogs from input gene family trees. Refer to the Documentation.pdf for more detailed explanations on its usage, installation and dependencies. Type -h for help.
The only input requierement for UPhO... - Now a days there are a lots of genomics databases available around the world. This bookmark is created to provide all links in one place ... - NCBI Remap. This tool is conceptually similar to liftOver in that in manages conversions between a pair of genome assemblies but it uses different methods to achieve these mappings. It is also available through a simple web interface or you can use...
MutaBind is a new computational method and server created through NCBI research efforts that maps mutations on a protein structural complex, calculates changes in binding affinity, identifies deleterious mutations and produces a downloadable... - NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline is designed to annotate bacterial and archaeal genomes (chromosomes and plasmids).
Genome annotation is a multi-level process that includes prediction of protein-coding genes, as well as other functional...