- This is the andi program for estimating the evolutionary distance between closely related genomes. These distances can be used to rapidly infer phylogenies for big sets of genomes. Because andi does not compute full alignments, it is so efficient... - PolyPhen-2 (Polymorphism Phenotyping v2) is a tool which predicts possible impact of an amino acid substitution on the structure and function of a human protein using straightforward physical and comparative considerations.
What are genomic interspersed repeats?
In the mid 1960's scientists discovered that many genomes contain stretches of highly repetitive DNA sequences ( see Reassociation Kinetics Experiments, and C-Value Paradox ). These sequences were later... - Cytoscape is an open source software platform for visualizing complex networks and integrating these with any type of attribute data. A lot of Apps are available for various kinds of problem domains, including bioinformatics, social network...
School of Life Sciences
Department of Animal Biology
Applications are invited on a plane paper (along with copies of educational qualifications and experience) from eligible candidates for the selection of following... - This histone database can be used to explore the diversity of histone proteins and their sequence variants in many organisms. The resource was established to better understand how sequence variation may affect functional and structural features of...
Reformat is a member of the BBMap/BBTools package. It is a multipurpose tool designed for converting reads or other nucleotide data between different formats. It supports, and can inter-convert: fastq fasta fasta+qual sam scarf (an old Illumina... - Blobsplorer is a tool for interactive visualization of assembled DNA sequence data ("contigs") derived from (often unintentionally) mixed-species pools. It allows the simultaneous display of GC content, coverage, and taxonomic annotation for... - DarkHorse is a bioinformatic method for rapid, automated identification and ranking of phylogenetically atypical proteins on a genome-wide basis. It works by selecting potential ortholog matches from a reference database of amino acid...
Linux Commands Cheat Sheet File System ls — list items in current directory ls -l — list items in current directory and show in long format to see perimissions, size, an modification...