- An ultra–high-performance protein–protein docking software for heterogeneous supercomputers
Summary: The application of protein–protein docking in large-scale interactome analysis is a major challenge in structural bioinformatics... - This meeting's objective was to obtain a big picture look at the current state of the field of comparative genomics with a focus on commonalities across genomic investigations into humans, model organisms (both traditional and...
We focus on fundamental questions in genomics, ecology, and evolution. Our methods include fieldwork and labwork, but most of our time is spent analyzing genomics data using computational biology approaches.
Ant / bacteria co-evolution, landscape...
The key to finding a solution is to notice that most genomicsequences differ by very little. It may well be that the number of complete genome sequences being stored is increasing rapidly, but the actual amount of new data is very small. In...
Live Webinar on Streamlining large scale NGS data analysis using the Strand NGS Pipeline Manager on 24 Feb 2016
Abstract: Strand NGS includes comprehensive workflows for DNA-Seq, RNA-Seq, Small RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq, MeDIP-Seq, and Methyl-Seq analysis....
NEW DELHI 110012
Applications are invited for the posts of one Junior
Research Fellow and one RA in the DBT funded project entitled “ Plant parasitic nematode genome informatics -...