Results for "Translocation"


  • Structural variation: the hidden genomic treasure

    ..., insertions, duplications, inversions and translocations litter genomes and are often...s balanced variants such as inversions and translocations, and unbalanced ones such as...f structural variations (Large insertions, translocation, deletion, inversions....)&nb...

    2730 days ago

  • Chromosome breakpoint - a breakup to remember

    ...echniques can also help identify the exact location of the breakpoint and the nature of the rearrangement, such as translocations, inversions, deletions, or duplications. Translocations are one of the most common t...

    452 days ago


  • Ribbon !!

    ...his cancer cell line are investigated in Supplementary Note 2. Figure 1b shows another complex event in this sample made simple in Ribbon: the translocation of a 4.4 kb sequence deleted...

    2781 days ago

Wire posts

  • Identification of chromosomal translocation hotspots via scan statistics #Chromosome #Hotspots

    3601 days ago


  • Breaking chromosomes to study cancer !!!

    ...ost people who have a balanced translocation have the right amount of chro...omes swap pieces (a reciprocal translocation). In other cases two whole ch...survival pathways, such as the translocations seen in leukemia and childho...ble to obtain such chromosomal translocations. The CRISPR-Cas9 system is e...

    3607 days ago
