Results for "Command lines"


  • Installing ELGG on Ubuntu !

    ...u 20.04 server, run the following command to update your base system wi...ll all of them with the following command: apt-get install apache2 mar...MariaDB shell with the following command: FLUSH PRIVILEGES; EXIT; Add the following lines: <VirtualHost *:80> S...

    739 days ago

  • SLURM Commands

    SLURM commands The following table shows SLURM commands on the SOE cluster. CommandDescription sbatch Sub...ecify a group of nodes in the command above. For example, if your M...our job is using, you can run commands sacct or ssta...-format=list The comma...

    697 days ago

  • Common steps for reads mapping !

    Mapping reads to a reference genome is an essential step in many typ...g. Run the mapper: The mapper is run with the command-line interface or using a graphical user interface. The specific comma...

    451 days ago