Results for "Gene Expression Analysis"


  • DNA testing companies around the globe !

    It was realized in the 1940s that DNA molecules are passed down through the generations of a family. In 1953, these include forensic analysis of human DNA samples, and...ure, adoption, deep ancestry, genealogy)...estry, full mtDNA sequencing, genealogy) DNA Consultants (admi...

    2527 days ago

  • List of genome announcement, notes and reporting journals

    ...upplemental material to present data or analysis. Link: https://mra.asm.o...ces and an Acknowledgement. Figures are generally not allowed. Link: novel data sets from high-throughput analysis of genotypes, phenotypes, gene expression, metabolomes, proteomes or...

    2048 days ago

  • List of Research Institutes in India (Biological Sciences/ Biotechnology)

    ...earch Areas: Automated genome analysis, bacterial genetics, canc...logy, cell biology & gene expression, computational biology, compu...g & tissue engineering, regenerative biology, virology (HIV), ca...ding solar energy conversion, analysis of pollutants and waste-water...

    2403 days ago

  • Installing Perl environment on Linux

    By using plenv, you can easily install and switch among different version of Perl....ltithreading (with option -Dusethreads), which is important for many NGS analysis packages (e.g. Trinity). In t...

    2361 days ago

  • List of cancer genomics research web resources !

    ...onship among DNA methylation, gene expression and cancer SomamiR http://co...-portal/ Graphical summaries; gene alteration; processed data; visua...u/ Clinical information; gene expression; copy number variation; vis...tion and variation; automated analysis pipeline GDSC http://www.can...

    2360 days ago

  • Bioinformatics tools developed for Oxford Nanopore data analysis !

    MinION is the only portable real-time device for DNA and RNA&nbs...), and string graph. List of analysis tools developed for Oxford Na...arginAlign minoTourReal time analysis toolshttp://minotour.nottingh...eaderReal-time conversion and analysis of nanopore readshttps://gith...

    2360 days ago

  • BBTools for bioinformatician ! Mapping Nanopore reads has a length cap...Ns, change that to "maxns=99".General notes for BB...sure 100% coverage unless you generate many fold depth. Shred, o...ce for the right primer - and generate 2...ically accelerates subsequent analysis pipelines by a similar factor...

    2310 days ago

  • Basic command-line to run BLAST

      The goal of this tutorial is to run you through a demonstration of the command line, which you may not have se...nt of lines with match to the pattern. In this case, the pattern is a regular expressi...

    2284 days ago

  • Understanding liftOver !

    LiftOver is a necesary step to bring all genetical analysis to the same reference build. LiftOver can have three use cases: (1) Convert genome position from one genome assembly to another genom...

    2199 days ago

  • chromoMap-An R package for Interactive visualization and mapping of human chromosomes

    chromoMap is an R package that provides interactive, configurable and e...ers to map chromosome elements (like genes, SNPs etc.) on the chromosom...iated with chromosome elements (like gene expression) in the form of heat colors w...t location. You can map thousands of genes an...

    2180 days ago