Results for "discordant read pairs"


  • Must read paper and books in evolution biology !

    1. *Nick Barton:* - The textbook "Evolution" by Nick Barton, with resources f...ig et al. 2013. Genetic incompatibilities are widespread within species. Nature. to 'papers every evolutionary biologist should read'...

    606 days ago

  • Interesting Bioinformatics Resources !

    1. a reproducible workflow. This two minute video will  A must read...

    569 days ago


    DeepMind’s artificial intelligence system AlphaFold2, predicts the 3D structure of a protein based on its am...uence. It looks to be a 50-year-old answer to the problem of protein folding.To read...

    566 days ago

  • Common steps for reads mapping !

    Mapping reads to a reference genome is an steps to follow for mapping reads to a genome: Choose a read mapper: There are many read mappers available, such as quickly find matches to the reads. Most mappers have their rate, the number of mapped reads...

    451 days ago

  • Steps to find palindrome in genomes !

    Palindromes are sequences of nucleotides that read the same backward as forward. They can be present in genomes and technologies, such as PacBio and Oxford Nanopore, can generate long reads...

    451 days ago

  • 16sRNA Database Download

    Downloading 16S rRNA databases can be crucial for various bioinformatics analyses, especially in microbiome resear...lysis within the platform. Before downloading any database, make sure to read...

    39 days ago