Results for "genome structure"


  • Common methods to discover tandem repeats

    Tandem repeats are DNA sequences that are repeated in a contiguous manner in the genome. These sequences are often us...ds for discovering tandem repeats in genomes: Tandem Repeat Finder:...hensively identify tandem repeats in genomes....

    478 days ago

  • Common steps for reads mapping !

    Mapping reads to a reference genome is an essential step in many types...s to follow for mapping reads to a genome: Choose a read mapper: T...question. Index the reference genome: Before mapping reads, the re...ecifying the input data, reference genome, a...

    478 days ago

  • Steps to find palindrome in genomes !

    ...or discovering palindromes in genomes: Direct sequence search...miss more complex palindromic structures. Dot plot analysis:...tify palindromic regions in a genome. It involves plotting the gen...By mapping these reads to the genome, palindromic regions can be iden...

    478 days ago

  • Entire Human Genome Sequencing !

    Cost-effective whole human genome sequencing has revolutionized the landscape of genetic research and personalized...panies:

    88 days ago

  • Bioinformatic tools for pathogens informatics at CVR

    Novel sequencing and analytical approaches focused on studying viruses and vi...oped @ CVR. DIGS The database-integrated genome-screening (DIGS) tool provide...ned to deal with PacBio reads generated from viral genomes.&...

    20 days ago