Results for "B"


  • Thank You Email After Bioinformatics Interview !

    ...for their time and thank them b) Mention something specific you talked about in the interview, so they...;re excited to learn more d) Invite them to contact and international experts, that you informed while int...for the great conversation . Best Regards,XXX...

    1900 days ago

  • List of tools frequently used while genome assembly

    ...equently used while genome assembly: I have used the following assemblers Spades (v. 3.10.1...CANU (v. 1.6) Unicycler (v. v0.4.1) Miniasm (...(v. 2.0rc1-r232) minimap (v. 0.2-r124-dirty) bwa&nb...cs ( CheckM (v...

    1979 days ago

  • Understanding reads mapping and flags !

    ...reference sequence that may include insertions, deletions, skips and clipping, but may not include directi...trand). Chimeric Alignment: An alignment of a read that...” and are distinguished by the supplementary alignment...o the correctly position via RealignerTargetCreator and...

    1886 days ago

  • AWK for beginners !

    ...upplied. Each record is split by the FS delimiter, # which d...entiation a += 1; b -= 1; c *= 1; d /=...lete ARGV[1]; # The number of command line arguments i...ions. You've already seen the BEGIN pattern. Other # pattern...

    1885 days ago

  • Introduction to Bioinformatics

    Introduction to bioinformatics is a course for biologists and clinicians that would like to learn more about the way bioinformatics is used i...pharmaceuitcal industry as well as basic research. The course cove...e course, visit:

    1845 days ago

  • Exchange Programme for Indian scientist !!

    ...a premier scientific learned body (established in 1935) representing a...ange of ideas, knowledge, establish new links, strengthen old...n Nationals for consideration by the Academy for the next cal...ty including internal travel abroad. Contact for detail at...

    1649 days ago

  • 50 IISC Raman Post Doctoral Fellowships

    IISC Bangalore has launched Raman Po...t Doctoral Fellowship at IISC Bangalore. Bioscience & Chemical Scien...ost Doctoral Fellowships. 50 IISC Raman Post Doctoral Fe...vated individuals with an established record of high qua...around the following dates: April 30, August 31, D...

    1648 days ago

  • Understand Social Media Importance for Researchers With Benefits to the Strategy !

    ...hy have so many researchers embraced Facebook or Instagram pages? They u...ortunity to highlight all the best aspects of your research w...important, it is essential to be realistic about the amount o...t fun. You can make a profile based on your ORCiD. It’s...

    1622 days ago

  • List of perl special symbols !

    There are some variables which have a predefined in Perl. They are the variables that use punctuation characters after the usual variable indicator ($, @, or %), suc...Perl error string $! Error number from C, ‘errno’ $. – current line number $/ - input line delimiter...

    1608 days ago

  • Linux advantages

    1606 days ago