Results for "C"


  • CANU genome assembly parameters !

    Choose the appropriate parameters to run Canu and run it. The assembly will take about an hour. You can use two cores (parameter&nb...le.fastq.gz A default Canu run produces interesting ones are: *.correctedReads.fasta.gz :...

    1973 days ago

  • Thank You Email After Bioinformatics Interview !

    ...hank you email or note should contain three essential pieces: a) Show appreciation for...and tell them you’re excited to learn more d) In...lab loaded with new updated technology and international expe...overall. It sounds like an exciting opportunity, and an oppo...

    1879 days ago

  • List of tools frequently used while genome assembly

    ...owing assemblers Spades (v. 3.10.1) CANU (v. 1.6) Unicycler (v. v0.4.1) Minias...lowing mappers minimap2 (v. 2.0rc1-r232) minimap (v. 0.2-...he following tools to assess genome assembly characteristics ...

    1958 days ago

  • Understanding reads mapping and flags !

    ...of a read to a single reference sequence that may include insert...t on reverse strand). Chimeric Alignment: An alignment...upplementary alignment flag. Chimeric reads are indicative o...ind one alignmnet position which sequence do not have large o...

    1865 days ago

  • AWK for beginners !

    ...standard tool on every POSIX-compliant UNIX system. It’s like flex/lex, from the command-line, perfect for text-processing tasks and other scripting needs. It has a C-like...uish # between actual function parameters and local with it. # Here's a quick example of a simple script,...

    1864 days ago

  • Introduction to Bioinformatics

    Introduction to bioinformatics is a course for biologists and clinicians that would like to learn more about the way bioinformatics is used in healthcare, biote...esearch. The course covers many of the topics transformed by the emergence...

    1824 days ago

  • Exchange Programme for Indian scientist !!

    The Indian National Science Academy (INSA) is a premier scientific learned body (establi...edicine and Agricultural Sciences. The Academy has been, Scotland, Slovak Republic, Republic of Slovenia, (by only Air India excursion class airfare, through...

    1627 days ago

  • 50 IISC Raman Post Doctoral Fellowships

    IISC Bangalore has launched Raman Post-Doc Program. Apply For Raman Post Doctoral Fellowship at IISC Banga...le. The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) has been recognis...viduals with an established record of high quality ...y centres, faculty profiles, academic programs, and areas of...

    1627 days ago

  • Understand Social Media Importance for Researchers With Benefits to the Strategy !

    Why have so many researchers embraced Facebook or Instagram pages...ind out more about your research and what you care about, wit...l level with your alike researchers.The importance of social...ial networks. Twitter handles can even be included on papers....

    1600 days ago

  • List of perl special symbols !

    There are some variables which have a predefined and special meaning in Perl. They are the variables that use punctuation characters after the u...s $_ ( explained below ). Special Symbols – File handl...string following the last matching string $1, $2, …...

    1587 days ago