Results for "dna"


  • Dynamic chromosome breakpoints !!!

    Cell division involves the distribution of identical genetic material, DNA, to two daughters’ cells. During this process, duplicated deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) goes through a condensation and decondensation process. This is followed by nuclear envelope dissolution, mitotic spindle assembly...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Genome, Chromosome, Breaks, Breakpoints, EBRs, Recombination, Cross-over, Abnormalities, DNA

    3587 days ago

  • Software and Tools to detect structure variation with long reads !!

    Uncovering the connection between genetics and heritable diseases requires an approach that looks at all the variant bases and types in a genome. While a PacBio de novo assembly resolves the most novel SV variants. 8-10X PacBio coverage of single genomes or trios reveals triple the SVs ...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, LR, Long, Reads, Tools, Software, Pacbio, Genome, DNA, Sequence, NGS, SV, Variation, Structure

    2642 days ago

  • DNA testing companies around the globe !

    It was realized in the 1940s that DNA molecules are passed down through the generations of a family. In 1953 Watson and Crick elucidated the chemical structure of this molecule as a twisted ladder (a ‘helix’) made of two strands. DNA occurs in all the cells of our body, it is our blue...

    Tags: DNA, testing, companies

    2522 days ago

  • Common methods to discover tandem repeats

    Tandem repeats are DNA sequences that are repeated in a contiguous manner in the genome. These sequences are often used as genetic markers and are important in many areas of genetics and genomics research. Here are some methods for discovering tandem repeats in genomes: T...

    Tags: Tandem, repeats, DNA, sequences, find, methods

    458 days ago

  • List of motif discovery tools !

    In genetics, a sequence motif is a nucleotide or amino-acid sequence pattern that is widespread and has, or is conjectured to have, a biological significance. For proteins, a sequence motif is distinguished from a structural motif, a motif formed by the three-dimensional arrangement of amino ac...

    Tags: motif, discovery, tools, protein, dna

    2028 days ago