Results for "Linux Filesystem"


  • Cava Deployment Tools

    Cava Packager allows packaging of applications written in Perl. Packaged applications...dows XP and later 32 and 64 bit.    Linux 32 and 64 bit - minimum glibc 2.5, GTK+ 2.10, libstdc++6.    Linux 32 b...

    3959 days ago

  • Public Databases for Bioinformatics ! Infrastructure: File Se...64 AMD core 256GB RAM 200GB of SSD storage 12TB RAID5 local storage Filesystem: /users/$USER default hom...

    1181 days ago

  • ShRec3D

    ShRec3D is a program that aims at reconstructing a genome 3D structure (b) from the so...815776). There are two options to run ShRec3D (on linuX only so far): the first one u...stalled but only works with the latest versions of Linux (equ...

    3460 days ago

  • RStudio

    RStudio IDE is a powerful and productive user interface for R. It’s free and open source, and works great on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Th...

    3459 days ago

  • Barrnap: Bacterial ribosomal RNA predictor

    Barrnap predicts the location of ribosomal RNA genes in genomes. It supports bacteria (5S,23S,16S), archaea (5S,5...with HMMER 3.1 for HMM searching in RNA:DNA style. NHMMER binaries for 64-bit Linux and...

    2592 days ago

  • UCSC Genome Browser and Blat software !

    This directory contains Genome Browser and Blat application binaries built for standalone command-line use on various supported Linux and...

    3041 days ago


    SLURM workload manager software, a free open-source workload manager designed specific...LURM installation, currently focused on a CentOS 7 Linux OS. Please send feedback to O...he SLURM homepage (also

    2965 days ago

  • Stand-alone programs for Bioinformatician

    This directory contains applications for stand-alone use, built specifically for a Linux 64-bit machine. For help on the bigBed and bigWig applications see:

    2947 days ago

  • Linux command line exercises for NGS data processing

    The purpose of this tutorial is to introduce students to the frequently u...rectory, change directory (cd) to the linuxTutorial folder, and do all th.../]$ cp -r /home/opt/MScBioinformatics/linuxTutorial . [uzi@quince-srv2 Amplicons Processing Workflow. In Linux, we...

    2916 days ago

  • CSBB-v1.0

    CSBB is a command line based bioinformatics suite to analyze biological data acquired through varied avenues of b...liminating the need to write programming code. CSBB is currently available on Linux, UNI...

    2909 days ago