Results for "Search"


  • Bioinformatics Codes Search

    I bet, this website will be your best friend in near future. This helps us to explore the existing open source codes and learn from it. You can find some useful open source bioinformatics codes for your analysis work. You can use the left bar options to filtere out or narrow down your search res...

    Tags: Koders, Coders, Bioinformatics Scripts, Open Source Codes, Computational Biology, Scripts, Search, Code Search

    3958 days ago

  • Efficient genome searching with Biostrings and the BSgenome data package

    Tags: BioStrings, R, Search, Pattern, Genome, Chromosome, Bioinformatics

    3023 days ago

  • lordFAST: sensitive and Fast Alignment Search Tool for LOng noisy Read sequencing Data

    lordFAST is a sensitive tool for mapping long reads with high error rates. lordFAST is specially designed for aligning reads from PacBio sequencing technology but provides the user the ability to change alignment parameters depending on the reads and application. lordFAST, a novel long-read mapp...

    Tags: lordFAST, sensitive, Fast, Alignment, Search, Tool, LOng, noisy, Read, sequencing, Data

    2028 days ago

  • Π-cyc: A Reference-free SNP Discovery Application using Parallel Graph Search

    Reference free SNP search for comparative population genomics: multiple samples run simultanously. **experimental phase, compiles and runs with OpenMPI-1.8.8 with Intel Compiler only Cycles enumeration (aka Bubbles) as part of de novo de bruijn graphs assembly using colours can be unpractical fo...

    Tags: Π-cyc, Reference-free, SNP, Discovery, Application, Parallel, Graph, Search

    1601 days ago

  • MetaGraph: Ultra Scalable Framework for DNA Search, Alignment, Assembly

    The MetaGraph framework is designed to work with a wide range of input data sets, indexing from a few samples up to the contents of entire archives with hundreds of thousands of records. The indexing workflow always follows the same principle, transforming single input samples into error-rem...

    Tags: MetaGraph, Ultra, Scalable, Framework, DNA, Search, Alignment, Assembly

    8 days ago

  • PLAST: A fast, accurate and NGS scalable bank-to-bank sequence similarity search tool

    PLAST is a fast, accurate and NGS scalable bank-to-bank sequence similarity search tool providing significant accelerations of seeds-based heuristic comparison methods, such as the Blast suite of algorithms. Relying on unique software architecture, PLAST takes full advantage of recent multi-core...

    Tags: PLAST, fast, accurate, NGS, scalable, bank-to-bank, sequence, similarity, search, tool

    2389 days ago

  • GIGGLE: a search engine for large-scale integrated genome analysis

    GIGGLE is a genomics search engine that identifies and ranks the significance of genomic loci shared between query features and thousands of genome interval files. GIGGLE ( scales to billions of intervals and is over three orders of magnitude faster than existi...

    Tags: GIGGLE, search, engine, large-scale, integrated, genome, analysis

    2349 days ago

  • MMseqs2.0: ultra fast and sensitive protein search and clustering suite

    MMseqs2 (Many-against-Many sequence searching) is a software suite to search and cluster huge protein sequence sets. MMseqs2 is open source GPL-licensed software implemented in C++ for Linux, MacOS, and (as beta version, via cygwin) Windows. The software is designed to run on multiple cores and s...

    Tags: MMseqs2, ultra, fast, sensitive, protein, search, clustering, suite

    2278 days ago

  • gSearch: a fast and flexible general search tool for whole-genome sequencing

    gSearch compares sequence variants in the Genome Variation Format (GVF) or Variant Call Format (VCF) with a pre-compiled annotation or with variants in other genomes. Its search algorithms are subsequently optimized and implemented in a multi-threaded manner. 

    Tags: gSearch, fast, flexible, search, tool, whole-genome, sequencing

    2141 days ago

  • GSP4PDB: a web tool to visualize, search and explore protein-ligand structural patterns

    GSP4PDB is a user-friendly and efficient application to search and discover new patterns of protein-ligand interaction. GSP4PDB is part of the services provided by the Bioinformatic Group of the University of Talca https://bmcbioinformati...

    Tags: GSP4PDB, web, tool, visualize, search, explore, protein-ligand, structural, patterns

    1554 days ago