Results for "Skills"


  • Free math books

    Bioinformatics require some match skills, therefore I decided to provide this wonderful math eBooks links to the BOL community. Please add ur links/bookmarks in comment section.

    3825 days ago

  • Bioinformatics in Thailand !

    ...neering and programming (including web-based development), simulation techniques and modeling, and data integration. Each student will apply their skills to a practical project, where...

    1132 days ago

  • MEGAN6

    ...;The software is: Easy to use. MEGAN6 is a single application and all features are available through menus, toolbars and graphics. No scripting skills required. Powerful. MEGAN6 a...

    2869 days ago

  • Shinyheatmap

    ...(e.g., 100k+ rows) has been computationally infeasible on both desktop computers and web browsers. In addition to memory requirements, programming skills and knowledge have frequently...

    2781 days ago

  • MyPro: A seamless pipeline for automated prokaryotic genome assembly and annotation

    MyPro is an improved genomics software pipeline for prokaryotic genomes. MyPro is user-friendly and requires minimal programming skills. High-quality prokaryotic genome assembly and a...

    2726 days ago

  • Fools guide

    ...aling with non-model organisms acquire and process transcriptomic high-throughput sequencing data without having to learn extensive bioinformatics skills. It covers all steps from tis...

    2618 days ago

  • Bioinformatics web development course

    This web development course, targeted at Biology and Bioinformatics students, aims at teaching from scratch all the skills needed to setup a fully working Linux web server and to deve...

    1670 days ago

  • Google Colab : Google Colab is a free cloud service and now it supports free GPU!

    You can: improve your Python programming language coding skills. develop deep learning applications using popular libraries such as Keras, TensorFlow, PyTorch, and OpenCV. ...

    1585 days ago

  • Python Mini Projects ! describe each exercise. If you have problems writing code (or if you would like to support this project!), the book contains details about the skills you need.

    504 days ago