Results for "linux"


  • Cava Deployment Tools

    ...p;   MS Windows XP and later 32 and 64 bit.    Linux 32 and 64 bit - minimum glibc 2.5, GTK+ 2.10, libstdc++6.    Linux 32 bit  RHEL 3 and 4.&nb...

    3959 days ago

  • ShRec3D There are two options to run ShRec3D (on linuX only so far): the first one u...ther library to be installed but only works with the latest versions of Linux (equivalent to Fedora 19 and...

    3460 days ago

  • RStudio

    RStudio IDE is a powerful and productive user interface for R. It’s free and open source, and works great on Windows, Mac, and Linux. The developers and expert trainers are th...

    3459 days ago

  • Barrnap: Bacterial ribosomal RNA predictor

    ...ut, and write GFF3 as output. It uses the new NHMMER tool that comes with HMMER 3.1 for HMM searching in RNA:DNA style. NHMMER binaries for 64-bit Linux and Mac OS X are included and...

    2592 days ago

  • UCSC Genome Browser and Blat software !

    This directory contains Genome Browser and Blat application binaries built for standalone command-line use on various supported Linux and UNIX platforms. To determine which set of bi...

    3041 days ago

  • SLURM for setting up a SLURM installation, currently focused on a CentOS 7 Linux OS. Please send feedback to See the SLURM homepage (also

    2965 days ago

  • Stand-alone programs for Bioinformatician

    This directory contains applications for stand-alone use, built specifically for a Linux 64-bit machine. For help on the bigBed and bigWig applications see:

    2947 days ago

  • Linux command line exercises for NGS data processing

    ...urrent directory, change directory (cd) to the linuxTutorial folder, and do all th...ce-srv2 ~/]$ cp -r /home/opt/MScBioinformatics/linuxTutorial . [uzi@quince-srv2 Illumina Amplicons Processing Workflow. In Linux, we use a shell that is a pro...

    2916 days ago

  • CSBB-v1.0

    ...ty, to get benefited by performing down-stream analysis tasks while eliminating the need to write programming code. CSBB is currently available on Linux, UNIX, MAC OS and Windows pla...

    2909 days ago

  • FERMI to achieve an accuracy comparable to other assemblers, this is not a favorable solution.Fermi is designed to be used on a multi-core Linux machine with large shared&nbs...

    2837 days ago