Results for "parallel"


  • Many-Core Engine (MCE) for Perl example

    MCE spawns a pool of workers and therefore does not fork a new process per each element of data. Instead, MCE follows a bank queuing model. Imagine the line being the data and bank-tellers the parallel workers. MCE enhances that model by adding the ability to chunk the next n elements from the in...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Programming, Perl, MCE, Parallel, Core, Thread, Fork

    2679 days ago

  • MSAProbs - Parallel and accurate multiple sequence alignment

    MSAProbs is a well-established state-of-the-art multiple sequence alignment algorithm for protein sequences. The design of MSAProbs is based on a combination of pair hidden Markov models and partition functions to calculate posterior probabilities. Assessed using the popular benchmarks: BAli...

    Tags: MSAProbs, Parallel, accurate, multiple, sequence, alignment

    1790 days ago

  • Π-cyc: A Reference-free SNP Discovery Application using Parallel Graph Search

    Reference free SNP search for comparative population genomics: multiple samples run simultanously. **experimental phase, compiles and runs with OpenMPI-1.8.8 with Intel Compiler only Cycles enumeration (aka Bubbles) as part of de novo de bruijn graphs assembly using colours can be unpractical fo...

    Tags: Π-cyc, Reference-free, SNP, Discovery, Application, Parallel, Graph, Search

    1587 days ago

  • PaReBrick: PArallel REarrangements and BReaks identification toolkit

    PaReBrick. The tool takes a collection of strains represented as a sequence of oriented synteny blocks and a phylogenetic tree as input data. It identifies rearrangements, tests them for consistency with a tree, and sorts the events by their parallelism score. The tool provides diagrams of the ne...

    Tags: PaReBrick, Parallel, Rearrangements, Breaks, identification, toolkit

    968 days ago

  • CrocoBLAST: Optimized parallel implementation of local sequence alignment algorithms

    Local sequence alignment is a cornerstone of bioinformatics, allowing to compare the amino-acid sequences of different proteins, or the nucleotide sequences of different pieces of DNA. The Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) has revolutionized the field of bioinformatics, and is currently i...

    Tags: CrocoBLAST, Optimized, parallel, local, sequence, alignment, algorithms

    2504 days ago

  • pWhatsHap: a parallel, high-performance version of WhatsHap

    Given the potential relevance of efficient haplotyping in several analysis pipelines, we have designed and engineered pWhatsHap, a parallel, high-performance version of WhatsHap. pWhatsHap is embedded in a toolkit developed in Python and supports genomics datasets in standar...

    Tags: pWhatsHap, parallel, high-performance, WhatsHap, Phasing, Phase, Genome, Alles, Haplotype

    2027 days ago

  • PilonGrid: parallel wrapper around the Pilon framework

    The distribution is a parallel wrapper around the Pilon framework The pipeline is composed of bash scripts, an example mapping.fofn which shows how to input your fastq files (you give paths to the R1 file), and how to launch the pipeline.  

    Tags: PilonGrid, parallel, wrapper, Pilon, framework

    1998 days ago

  • VirtualFlow: a versatile, parallel workflow platform for carrying out virtual screening

     related tasks on Linux-based computer clusters of any type and size which are managed by a batchsystem (such as SLURM).  Currently, there exist two versions of VirtualFlow, which are tailored to different types of tasks: VFLP: VirtualFlow for Ligand Preparation VFVS :&nb...

    Tags: VirtualFlow, versatile, parallel, workflow, platform, carrying, virtual, screening

    1450 days ago