Results for "reference"


  • Bioinformatician’s Pocket Reference !!

    It is amusing how brain of bioinformaticians work! Learning a new programming language for days feels so much of fun that making 5 minute discussion with neighbours (unless under special circumstances!) in our own mother-tongue. Today every bioinformatician keeps more than few languages and core ...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Pocket, Reference

    3647 days ago

  • RACA: Reference-Assisted Chromosome Assembly

    Rreference-Assisted Chromosome Assembly (RACA), an algorithm to reliably order and orient sequence scaffolds generated by NGS and assemblers into longer chromosomal fragments using comparative genome information and paired-end reads. http://bioen-comp...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, NGS, Assembly, Reference, RACA, Reads

    2979 days ago

  • mrFAST: Micro Read Fast Alignment Search Tool

    mrFAST is a read mapper that is designed to map short reads to reference genome with a special emphasis on the discovery of structural variation and segmental duplications. mrFAST maps short reads with respect to user defined error threshold, including indels up to 4+4 bp. This manual, describes ...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, FASTQ, Reads, NGS, Mapping, Alignment, Reference

    2959 days ago


    Background. Next-generation sequencing technologies are now producing multiple times the genome size in total reads from a single experiment. This is enough information to reconstruct at least some of the differences between the individual genome studied in the experiment and the reference genome...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Analysis, Assembly, Genome, Reference, NGS, RECORD

    2746 days ago

  • YASRA: Reference based assembler

    YASRA (Yet Another Short Read Assembler) performs comparative assembly of short reads using a reference genome, which can differ substantially from the genome being sequenced. Mapping reads to reference genomes makes use of LASTZ (Harris et al), a pairwise sequence aligner compatible with BLASTZ....

    Tags: Bioinformatics, YASRA, Assembler, Reference, Lastz

    2650 days ago

  • DIAL

    A computational pipeline for identifying single-base substitutions between two closely related genomes without the help of a reference genome. DIAL works even when the depth of coverage is insufficient for de novo assembly, and it can be extended to determine small insertions/deletions. Our main ...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, DIAL, Mutation, Genome, Reference, Pipeline

    2650 days ago

  • RaGOO: Fast Reference-Guided Scaffolding of Genome Assembly Contigs

    Alonge M, Soyk S, Ramakrishnan S, Wang X, Goodwin S, Sedlazeck FJ, Lippman ZB, Schatz MC: Fast and accurate reference-guided scaffolding of draft genomes. bioRxiv 2019. RaGOO is a tool for coalescing genome assembly contigs into pseudochromosomes via minimap2 alignments to a close...

    Tags: RaGOO, Fast, Reference, Guided, Scaffolding, Genome, Assembly, Contigs, NGS

    1680 days ago

  • Consed--A Finishing Package (BAM File Viewer, Assembly Editor, Autofinish, Autoreport, Autoedit, and Align Reads To Reference Sequence)

    Supports Illumina, 454, other Next-Gen and Sanger Reads and allows mixtures of these read types Consed includes BamScape which can view bam files with unlimited numbers of reads. BamScape can bring up consed to edit reads and the reference sequence in targeted regions. Consed is compatible wi...

    Tags: Consed, Finishing, Package, BAM, Viewer, Assembly, Editor, Autofinish, Autoreport, Autoedit, Align, Reads, Reference, Sequence

    1577 days ago

  • Reference Sequence Resource!

    The ENCODE project uses Reference Genomes from NCBI or UCSC to provide a consistent framework for mapping high-throughput sequencing data. In general, ENCODE data are mapped consistently to 2 human (GRCH38, hg19) and 2 mouse (mm9/mm10) genomes for historical comparability...

    Tags: ENCODE, Project, Genome, Reference, Data, Ftp, Download, Human

    991 days ago

  • kSNP3.0: SNP detection and phylogenetic analysis of genomes without genome alignment or reference genome

    Sept. 20, 2017 Version 3.1 released. Major upgrade. Version 3.1 fixes the problems with SNP annotation that arose when NCBI discontinued use of GI numbers. Please read carefully the Preface (page 3) and the File of annotated genomes section (pages 9-10) in the version 3.1 User Guide. Thanks to To...

    Tags: kSNP3.0, SNP, detection, phylogenetic, analysis, genomes, alignment, reference, genome

    2368 days ago