Results for "Short Courses"


  • Stacks

    Stacks is a software pipeline for building loci from short-read sequences, such as those generated on the Illumina platform. Stacks was developed to work with restriction enzyme-ba...

    3021 days ago

  • REAPR: a universal tool for genome assembly evaluation

    REAPR is a tool that evaluates the accuracy of a genome assembly using mapped paired end reads, without the use of...d read pairs from a large insert library (at least 1000bp). Additionally, if a short i...

    2979 days ago

  • mrFAST: Micro Read Fast Alignment Search Tool

    mrFAST is a read mapper that is designed to map short reads to reference genome with a special emphasis on the discovery of structural variation and segmental duplications. mrFAST maps short r...

    2959 days ago

  • segemehl

    segemehl is a software to map short sequencer reads to reference genomes. Unlike other methods, segemehl is able to detect not only mismatches but also insertions and d...

    2945 days ago

  • Platanus

    Platanus is a novel de novo sequence assembler that can reconstruct genomic sequences of highly heterozygous diplo...ient de novo assembly of highly heterozygous genomes from whole-genome shotgun short r...

    2942 days ago

  • MOSAIK: A Hash-Based Algorithm for Accurate Next-Generation Sequencing Short-Read Mapping

    MOSAIK is a stable, sensitive and open-source program for mapping second and third-generation sequencing reads to...aterman algorithm. This method is well-suited to capture mismatches as well as short i...

    2935 days ago

  • Stampy

    Stampy is a package for the mapping of short reads from illumina sequencing machines onto a reference genome. It's recommended for most workflows, including those for gen...

    2934 days ago

  • Gene Finding and Predictions

    In this exercise, a previously annotated gene will be used to measure the accuracy o...lead to wrong prediction of initial exons in most cases.

    2837 days ago


    Fermi is a de novo assembler with a particular focus on assembling Illumina short sequence reads from a mammal-sized genome. In addition to the role of a typical assembler, fermi also...

    2823 days ago

  • MIRO : miRNA omics

    The MIRO (the miRNA omics) pipeline is a flexible and powerful tool for the analysis of miRNA (or more generall short RNA) expression using short-r...

    2798 days ago