Results for "comparative"


  • MGcV: the microbial genomic context viewer for comparative genome analysis

    MGcV is an interactive web-based visalization tool tailored to facilitate small scale genome analysis. To start using MGcV: Supply your genes/genomic segments/phylogenetic tree of interest in the input-box by selecting the type of identifier and pasting identifiers (one per line) or b...

    Tags: MGcV, microbial, genomic, context, viewer, comparative, genome, analysis

    2316 days ago

  • G-compass: a comparative genome browser

    G-compass ( is a comparative genome browser. It visualizes evolutionarily conserved genomic regions between human and other 12 vertebrates based on original genome alignments pursuing higher coverage (1,2). Annotations of human genes/transcripts and their o...

    Tags: G-compass, comparative, genome, browser, visualization

    2243 days ago

  • mScaffolder: A comparative genome scaffolding tool

    A comparative genome scaffolding tool based on MUMmer mScaffolder scaffolds a genome using an existing high quality genome as the reference. It aligns the two genomes using nucmer utility from MUMmer and then orders and orients the contigs of the candidate genome guided by their alignments to th...

    Tags: mScaffolder, comparative, genome, scaffolding, tool, genome, contigs, scaffolds

    2179 days ago

  • geck: trio-based comparative benchmarking of variant calls

    Determine the accuracy of our model by comparing the precision and recall of GATK Unified Genotyper and Haplotype Caller on the high-confidence SNPs of the NIST Ashkenazim trio and the two independent Platinum Genome trios. We show that our method is able to estimate differential precis...

    Tags: geck, trio-based, comparative, benchmarking, variant, calls

    1840 days ago

  • Simka and SimkaMin are comparative metagenomics method dedicated to NGS datasets

    Simka is a de novo comparative metagenomics tool. Simka represents each dataset as a k-mer spectrum and compute several classical ecological distances between them. Developper: Gaëtan Benoit, PhD, former member of the Genscale team at Inria. Contact: claire dot lemaitre at i...

    Tags: Simka, SimkaMin, comparative, metagenomics, method, dedicated, NGS, datasets

    1793 days ago

  • phyloXML: XML for evolutionary biology and comparative genomics

    phyloXML (example) is an XML language designed to describe phylogenetic trees (or networks) and associated data. PhyloXML provides elements for commonly used features, such as taxonomic information, gene names and identifiers, branch lengths, support values, and gene duplication an...

    Tags: phyloXML, XML, evolutionary, biology, comparative, genomics

    1638 days ago

  • LibsDyogen: Libibrary for comparative genomics

    Library of usual classes and functions written in python and used in the Dyogen team for comparative genomics applications. Collaborative python library used in the DYOGEN teamfor studying the evolution of gene order in vertebrates.  

    Tags: LibsDyogen, Libibrary, comparative, genomics, phylogeny

    1621 days ago

  • JCVI:Python utility libraries on genome assembly, annotation and comparative genomics

    Collection of Python libraries to parse bioinformatics files, or perform computation related to assembly, annotation, and comparative genomics. More at

    Tags: JCVI, Python, utility, libraries, genome, assembly, annotation, comparative, genomics, synteny, plots

    1538 days ago

  • Coronavirus Resources !

    2019nCoVR features comprehensive integration of genomic and proteomic sequences as well as their metadata information from the GISAID, NCBI, NMDC and CNCB/NGDC. It also incorporates a wide range of relevant information including scientific literatures, news, and popular articles for science disse...

    Tags: Corona, virus, China, Resources, CoVID, covid, china, genome, assembly, dna, rna, sequences, evolution, study, comparative, genomics

    1487 days ago

  • Sibelia: A comparative genomics tool

    Sibelia: A comparative genomics tool: It assists biologists in analysing the genomic variations that correlate with pathogens, or the genomic changes that help microorganisms adapt in different environments. Sibelia will also be helpful for the evolutionary and genome rearrangement studies for mu...

    Tags: Sibelia, comparative, genomics, tool, synteny

    1380 days ago