Results for "function"


  • Entrez Direct: E-utilities on the UNIX Command Line

    ...cture, gene, variation, expression, etc.) from a UNIX terminal window. Functions take search terms from comma...rmally complete the process. EDirect also provides an argument-driven function that simplifies the extractio...

    2782 days ago


    ...ople use just a couple of the program's basic functions, but we have also built up to use the most common IMPUTE2 functions. We suggest that you work th...uld like to know if the program can perform a function that isn't listed, you can re...

    2774 days ago

  • Many-Core Engine (MCE) for Perl example

    ...nup, and signal handling. MCE::Util Utility functions for Many-Core Engine. MCE...rep implementation similar to the native grep function. MCE::Map Provides a parall...a Monte Carlo simulation. MCE::Subs Exports functions mapped directly to MCE metho...

    2678 days ago


    ...rlaping contigs and gaps in to account. MUMmer's alignment generating programs, Nucmer and Promer are used followed by the 'delta-filter' utility function. Users could also run tblastx...

    2662 days ago

  • DAGchainer: Computing Chains of Syntenic Genes in Complete Genomes

    ...e genome sequences. As input, DAGchainer accepts a list of gene pairs with sequence homology along with their genome coordinates. Using a scoring function which accounts for the distan...

    2661 days ago

  • Sequence - Evolution - Function; Computational Approaches in Comparative Genomics

    Sequence - Evolution - Function is an introduction to the computational the emerging new branch of biology known as functional genomics. The book provides...erstanding of the principles and approaches of functional genomics and of the potenti...

    2491 days ago

  • R googleVis examples

    ...via library(googleVis) demo(googleVis) For more details about the charts and further examples see the helpfiles of the individual googleVis function and review the Google Ch...

    2365 days ago

  • BBTools User Guide

    The guides describe the function, syntax, and typical use-cases of the tools; for a complete list of parameters, run the tool’s shellscript or open it with a text editor. Most...

    2364 days ago

  • Protein Subcellular Localization Prediction

    Assigning subcellular localization to a protein is an important step towards elucidating its interaction partners, function, and potential role(s) in the cellular machinery. Computatio...

    2284 days ago

  • DendroPy: a Python library for phylogenetic computing

    ...s a Python library for phylogenetic computing. It provides classes and functions for the simulation, processi...lso distributed and installed as part of the libary. DendroPy can thus function as a stand-alone library for...

    2231 days ago