Results for "tree"


  • Free Genomics data !

    The specimens were collected by the Oxford Wytham Woods and Edinburgh Lohse lab teams. DNA extraction and sequencing was carried out by the Sanger Institute Scientific Operations teams. Assemblies were carried out by the Tree of Life team (Shane McCarthy) and colleagues in Pacific Biosciences (Jo...

    Tags: data, reads, free, tree, assembly

    1592 days ago

  • TMRCA Calculator

    This program calculates the probability that two people have a certain number of generations between them, based on the standard infinite alleles formula of Walsh. It calculates both the probability of being at an exact number of generations back to the Most Recent Common Ancestor (MRCA...

    Tags: TMRCA, Calculator, evolution, tree

    1230 days ago

  • k-mers tutorial - classification and taxonomy

    DNA k-mers underlie much of our assembly work, and we (along with many others!) have spent a lot of time thinking about how to store k-mer graphs efficiently, discard redundant data, and count them efficiently. More recently, we've been enthused about using k-mer based simila...

    Tags: kmer, k-mer, taxonomy, classification, tree, plot, database, similarity, comparision

    1026 days ago

  • OneZoom tree of life explorer...

    An interactive map of the evolutionary links between all living things known to science. Discover your favourites, see which species are under threat, and be amazed by the diversity of life on earth.  

    Tags: OneZoom, tree, life, explorer

    583 days ago

  • MIKE: an ultrafast, assembly-, and alignment-free approach for phylogenetic tree construction

    MIKE (MinHash-based k-mer algorithm). This algorithm is designed for the swift calculation of the Jaccard coefficient directly from raw sequencing reads and enables the construction of phylogenetic trees based on the resultant Jaccard coefficient. Simulation results highlight the superior sp...

    Tags: MIKE, ultrafast, assembly, alignment-free, approach, phylogenetic, tree, construction

    71 days ago