Results for "Genome Project"


  • MetaBAT: An Efficient Tool for Accurately Reconstructing Single Genomes from Complex Microbial Communities

    MetaBAT, An Efficient Tool for Accurately Reconstructing Single Genomes from Complex Microbial Communit...ex microbial communities, or metagenome binning, enables the study we developed an automated metagenome binning software, called Meta...4 human gut samples formed 1,634 genome...

    2668 days ago

  • Progressive Cactus

    v0.0 by Glenn Hickey ( Progressive Cactus is a whole-genome alignment package. Requirements git gcc 4.2 or newer python 2...150GB+ of memory on at least one machine when aligning mammal-sized genomes...

    2716 days ago

  • GenomeRing: alignment visualization based on SuperGenome coordinates

    The number of completely sequenced genomes is continuously rising, allowing analyses are often based on whole-genome alignments to elucidate struc...mputational tools that can visualize genome alignments in a meaningful ma...oinformatics/article/28/12/i7/268598/GenomeR...

    2715 days ago

  • YAHA

    YAHA, a fast and flexible hash-based aligner. YAHA is as fast and accurate as BWA-SW at finding the single best ali...for download from Contact: http://genome....

    2713 days ago

  • SpeedSeq

    A flexible framework for rapid genome analysis and interpretation C Chiang, R M Layer, G G Faust, M R Lindberg, D B...Garrison, G T Marth, A R Quinlan, and I M Hall. SpeedSeq: ultra-fast personal genome...

    2713 days ago

  • Harvest

    Harvest is a suite of core-genome alignment and visualization tools for qu...thousands of intraspecific microbial genomes, including variant calls, re...trees. Tools Parsnp - Core-genome alignment and analysis Gingr...AM. The Harvest suite for rapid core-genome...

    2702 days ago

  • Mercator

    Our basic strategy in building homology maps is to use exons that are orthologous in multiple genomes as map "anchors." Given K genomes, the steps in the map constructio...l exons against all exons in other genomes and record significant align...t have exons in all or most of the genomes...

    2696 days ago

  • DnaSP v5: a software for comprehensive analysis of DNA polymorphism data

    DnaSP is a software package for a comprehensive analysis of DNA polymorphism data. Version 5 implements a number of...rphism data; (iv) visualizing sliding window results integrated with available genome...

    2696 days ago


    Software available at this site FineSTRUCTURE version 2, a pipeline for running ChromoPainter and FineSTRUCTUR...for methodology for Chromosome Painting. It is not a facility to analyse your genome....

    2689 days ago

  • MafTools

    ...With advances in Cancer Genomics, Mutation Annotation Format (MAF) is being widley accepted and used to store variants detected. The Cancer Genome Atlas Project has seqenced over 30 differen...

    2686 days ago