Results for "OS"


  • Prodigal (Prokaryotic Dynamic Programming Genefinding Algorithm)

    ...highly accurate gene finder. It correctly locates the 3' end of every gene in the experimentally verified Ecogene data set (except those containing introns). It possesses a very sophisticated ri...

    2739 days ago

  • YAHA

    ...faster and more sensitive than both SSAHA2 and MegaBLAST at finding all possible alignments. Unlike other...y. We show that YAHA detects more breakpoints in less time than BWA-SW across all SV classes, and especial...

    2717 days ago

  • SpeedSeq

    A flexible framework for rapid genome analysis and interpretation C Chiang, R M Layer, G G Faust, M R Lindberg, D B Rose, E P Garrison, G T Marth, A R Quinlan, and I M Hall. SpeedS...

    2717 days ago


    ...using the complementary strand. When mismatches occur in the overlapping region, the base with the better quality score is chosen.The algorithm is as follows:1.Find the positions where the forward and r...

    2714 days ago

  • Many-Core Engine (MCE) for Perl example

    ...NTS Perl 5.8.0 or later. PDL::IO::Storable is required in scripts running PDL. SOURCE AND FURTHER READING The source, cookbook, and examples are hosted at GitHub. https://gi...

    2706 days ago

  • iTOL: interactive Tree Of Life

    Interactive Tree Of Life is an online tool for the display and manipulation of phylogenetic trees. It provides most of the features available in other tree viewers, and offers...

    2706 days ago

  • Harvest

    ...p;- Core-genome alignment and analysis Gingr - Interactive visualization of alignments, trees and variants HarvestTools - Archiving and postprocessing Citation Tre...

    2705 days ago

  • Perl6

    ...ffers a comprehensive list of Perl 6 resources, including tutorials, how-tos and FAQs (Frequently Asked Bioinformatics Example @

    2703 days ago

  • Mercator to have these annotations be as sensitive as possible. Specificity is not a co...esponding to a exon and edges between vertices whose corresponding exons have sig...nt of each orthologous segment.

    2700 days ago

  • FSA: Fast Statistical Alignment

    ...pairwise estimations of homology. This is made possible by the sequence annealin...mparisons, developed by Ariel Schwartz in "Posterior Decoding Methods for Op...inference algorithm to reduce the computational cost of multiple alignment. This...

    2700 days ago