Results for "package"


  • modelStudio: a package automates the explanation of machine learning predictive models

    The modelStudio package automates the explanation of machine learning predictive models. This package generates advanced interactive and animated model explanations in the form of a serverless HTML site. It combines R with D3.js to produce plots and descriptions for...

    Tags: modelStudio, package, automates, explanation, machine, learning, predictive, models

    1606 days ago

  • PANEV: an R package for a pathway-based network visualization

    PANEV (PAthway NEtwork Visualizer) is an R package set for gene/pathway-based network visualization. Based on information available on KEGG, it visualizes genes within a network of multiple levels (from 1 to n) of interconnected upstream and downstream pathways. The network graph visualizati...

    Tags: PANEV, R, package, pathway, network, visualization

    1588 days ago

  • netGO: R-Shiny package for network-integrated pathway enrichment analysis

    netGO is an R/Shiny package for network-integrated pathway enrichment analysis.netGO provides user-interactive visualization of enrichment analysis results and related networks. Currently, netGO supports analysis for four species (Human, Mouse, Arabidopsis thaliana,and Yeast)These...

    Tags: netGO, R-Shiny, package, network, integrated, pathway, enrichment, analysis

    1585 days ago

  • GeneMates: an R package for Detecting Horizontal Gene Co-transfer between Bacteria Using Gene-gene Associations Controlled for Population Structure

    GeneMates is an R package implementing a network approach to identify horizontal gene co-transfer (HGcoT) between bacteria using whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data. It is particularly useful for investigating intra-species HGcoT, where presence-absence status of acquired genes is usually confound...

    Tags: GeneMates, R, package, Horizontal, Gene, Co-transfer, Bacteria, Associations, Population, Structure

    1561 days ago

  • PheWAS: R package is designed to provide an accessible interface to the phenome wide association study

    The PheWAS R package is designed to provide an accessible interface to the phenome wide association study. For a description of the methods available and some simple examples, please see the package vignette or the R documentation. For installation help, see below. ##Installing the PheW...

    Tags: PheWAS, R, package, accessible, interface, phenome, wide, association, study

    1416 days ago

  • GROMACS: a versatile package to perform molecular dynamics

    GROMACS is a versatile package to perform molecular dynamics, i.e simulate the Newtonian equations of motion for systems with hundreds to millions of particles. GROMACS is able to work with many biochemical molecules like proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. The WeNMR GROMACS web portal combines t...

    Tags: GROMACS, versatile, package, perform, molecular, dynamics

    1409 days ago

  • Platypus – R package for object detection and image segmentation.

    platypus is an R package for object detection and semantic segmentation. Currently using  platypus you can perform: multi-class semantic segmentation using U-Net architecture multi-class object detection using YOLOv3 architecture You can install the late...

    Tags: Platypus, R, package, object, detection, image, segmentation

    1314 days ago

  • DnaSP: DNA Sequence Polymorphism, is a software package for the analysis of DNA polymorphisms

    DnaSP, DNA Sequence Polymorphism, is a software package for the analysis of DNA polymorphisms using data from a single locus (a multiple sequence aligned -MSA data), or from several loci (a Multiple-MSA data, such as formats generated by some assembler RAD-seq software). DnaSP can estimate severa...

    Tags: DnaSP, DNA, Sequence, Polymorphism, software, package, analysis, DNA, polymorphisms

    1298 days ago

  • Luigi: a Python package that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs.

    Luigi is a Python (3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 tested) package that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs. It handles dependency resolution, workflow management, visualization, handling failures, command line integration, and much more. Run pip install luigi to install the latest stable version...

    Tags: Luigi, Python, package, build, complex, pipelines, batch, jobs

    1087 days ago

  • The Snakemake Wrappers repository

    The Snakemake Wrapper Repository is a collection of reusable wrappers that allow to quickly use popular tools from Snakemake rules and workflows. More at

    Tags: Snakemake, Wrapper, Repository, collection, reusable, wrappers, package

    1031 days ago