Results for "Ra"


  • SpeedSeq

    A flexible framework for rapid genome analysis and interpretation C Chiang, R M Layer, G G Faust, M R...D B Rose, E P Garrison, G T Marth, A R Quinlan, and I M Hall. SpeedSeq: ultra-fast personal genome analysis...

    2719 days ago


    ...ct any uncalled bases in the overlapping region using the complementary strand. When mismatches occur in t...ce between the primers and calculate the quality.5.Check for various constraints, including quality, lengt...

    2716 days ago

  • EasyBuild

    EasyBuild is a software build and installation framework that allows you to manage (scientific) software on High Performance Computing (HPC) systems in an efficient way.A full list of supported software packages is available here.

    2711 days ago

  • Many-Core Engine (MCE) for Perl example the data and bank-tellers the parallel workers. MCE enhances tha...described here. MCE::Signal Temporary directory creation, cleanup...tion of sugar methods and output iterators for preserving output creative loops. MCE::Flow A parallel flow model for building c...

    2708 days ago

  • iTOL: interactive Tree Of Life

    Interactive Tree Of Life is an online tool for the display and manip...layout, which makes it easy to visualize mid-sized tree (up to several thousand leaves). Trees can be exported to several graphical formats, both bitm...

    2708 days ago

  • Harvest

    ...tion tools for quickly analyzing thousands of intraspecific microbial genomes, in...-genome alignment and analysis Gingr - Interactive visualization of alignme...BD, Koren S, Phillippy AM. The Harvest suite for rapid core-genome alignment and...

    2707 days ago

  • Perl6

    The official documentation of the Perl 6 programming language is now published! B...of built-in subroutines and methods. Perl 6 ProgramsA collection of documents describing how to run the Perl 6 executable program and other utilities, how to...

    2705 days ago

  • Mercator

    Our basic strategy in building homology maps is to use exons that...nts being performed in protein space. Construct a graph with each vertex correspond...significant alignments. Identify cliques in this graph. These cliques are potentia...

    2702 days ago

  • FSA: Fast Statistical Alignment

    ...f Multiple Alignments." FSA brings the high accuracies previously available only...s or megabase-long sequences. FSA introduces several novel methods for constructi...r than a direct approach with little loss of accuracy. FSA can quickly align ver...

    2702 days ago

  • DnaSP v5: a software for comprehensive analysis of DNA polymorphism data

    ...on multiple data files; (ii) haplotype phasing; (iii) analyses on insertion/deletion polymorphism data; (iv) visualizing sliding window results integrated with available genome anno...

    2702 days ago