Results for "Mate pair sequencing"


  • ALE: a Generic Assembly Likelihood Evaluation Framework for Assessing the Accuracy of Genome and Metagenome Assemblies

    ...mework is comprehensive, and integrates read quality, mate pair orientation and insert length (for paired-end reads), sequencing coverage, read alignment all independently validated by Pacific Biosciences sequencing. At the single-base level wit...

    2974 days ago

  • HOMER: Software for motif discovery and next-gen sequencing analysis

    This tutorial covers topics independently of HOMER, and represents knowledge which...uch as HOMER. Setting up your computing environment Retrieving and storing sequencing files (your own data or...

    2974 days ago

  • CANU: Assembling Large Genomes with Single-Molecule Sequencing and Locality Sensitive Hashing.

    Canu is a fork of the Celera Assembler designed for high-noise single-molecule sequencing (such as the PacBio RSII or O...

    2957 days ago

  • cutadapt

    ...equence from your high-throughput sequencing reads. Cleaning your d...en required: Reads from small-RNA sequencing contain the 3’ se...IUPAC wildcard characters. Also, paired-end reads and even colorspace with an extensive suite of automated tests and is available under the t...

    2957 days ago

  • Platanus

    Platanus is a novel de novo sequence assembler that can reconstruct genomic sequences of highly heterozygous diploids from massively parallel shotgun sequencing data. The latest version is...

    2957 days ago

  • Hagfish - assess an assembly through creative use of coverage plots

    ...a analysis of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) experiments. Hagf...ural variation in a genome re-sequencing experiment. Hagfish re...reference sequence and a paired end re-sequencing data set....larger the insert size of the paired end library is. Quick links:&nbs...

    2950 days ago

  • MOSAIK: A Hash-Based Algorithm for Accurate Next-Generation Sequencing Short-Read Mapping

    MOSAIK is a stable, sensitive and open-so...mapping second and third-generation sequencing reads to a reference genome....ign reads generated by all the major sequencing technologies, including Illum...mappings for all the generated data (sequencing technologies, low-coverage an...

    2950 days ago

  • Stampy

    Stampy is a package for the mapping of short reads from illumina sequencing machines onto a reference gen...for most workflows, including those for genomic resequencing, RNA-Seq and Chip-seq. Stampy...

    2950 days ago

  • methylKit

    methylKit is an R package for DNA...rom high-throughput bisulfite sequencing. The package is designed to deal with sequencing data from RRBS and its varian...methylKit can deal with base-pair resolution data for 5hmC obtained f...handle whole-genome bisulfite sequencing data if proper input format i...

    2936 days ago

  • Blobology

    Tools for making blobplots or Taxon-Annotated-GC-Coverage plots (TAGC plots) to vis...onal Biology special issue : Quality assessment and control of high-throughput sequencing data). It contains bash/perl...

    2926 days ago