Results for "Big data"


  • Kraken: ultrafast metagenomic sequence classification using exact alignments

    Kraken is an ultrafast and highly accurate program for assigning taxonomic labels t...abundance estimation programs, which only classify small subsets of metagenomic data. Using exact alignment of k-m...

    2920 days ago

  • CSBB-v1.0

    CSBB is a command line based bioinformatics suite to analyze biological data acquired through varied avenu...r-quantile normalization on expression data or convert genome wide gene z-scores when comparing expression data from different platforms. Mo...

    2919 days ago

  • Greengenes database

    The greengenes web application provides access to the 20...or browsing, blasting, probing, and downloading. The data and tools presented by greeng...user, you can use greengenes to keep your own local database current....

    2919 days ago

  • Machine Learning !!!

    In machine learning, computers apply statistical le...bsp;techniques to automatically identify patterns in data. These techniques can be used...accurate predictions. Keep scrolling. Using a data set about homes, we will crea...

    2916 days ago

  • 4DGenome

    Records in 4DGenome are compiled through comprehensive literature curation...176 computationally-predicted interactions in 5 organisms. Experimental data cover both high throughput datasets and individiual focused s...

    2914 days ago

  • Scarpa

    Scarpa is a stand-alone scaffolding tool for NGS data. It can be used together with virtually any genome assembler and a...libraries and an option to estimate insert size distributions from data. Scarpa is available free of...

    2905 days ago

  • WiseScaffolder

    ...cation for genome scaffolding of pre-assembled contigs using mate-pair data. It also produces editable two modules: i) the interative_scaffold_extender, which works with big, unambiguous contigs, or when they run...

    2905 days ago

  • FQC Dashboard: Integrates FastQC results into a web-based, interactive, and extensible FASTQ quality control tool

    FQC is software that facilitates quality control of FAST...groups samples in dropdowns for navigation among the data sets, utilizes human-readable...ulate the pages and tabs, and is extensible with CSV data.

    1324 days ago

  • MEGAN6

    Microbiome analysis using a single application MEGAN6 i...nsive toolbox for interactively analyzing microbiome data. All the interactive tools yo...charts PCoA, clustering and networks Supports metadata MEGAN parses many different...

    2893 days ago

  • Genome STRiP

    Genome STRiP (Genome variations using sequencing data. The methods are designed to detect shared variation using data from multiple individuals.Gen...tive and support heterogeneous data sets, including variations in...genomes, you need to call your data against a background populati...

    2850 days ago