Results for "data%20compression"


  • Machine Learning !!!

    In machine learning, computers apply statistical learning techniques to automatically identify patterns in data. These techniques can be used to make highly accurat...

    2892 days ago

  • 4DGenome

    Records in 4DGenome are compiled through comprehensive literature curation of experimentally-derived and computationally-predicted interactions. The current release contains...

    2889 days ago

  • Scarpa

    Scarpa is a stand-alone scaffolding tool for NGS data. It can be used together with virtually any genome assembler and any NGS read mapper that supports SAM format. Othe...

    2880 days ago

  • WiseScaffolder

    Function WiseScaffolder is a stand-alone semi-automatic application for genome scaffolding of pre-assembled contigs using mate-pair data. It also produces editable scaffold...

    2880 days ago

  • FQC Dashboard: Integrates FastQC results into a web-based, interactive, and extensible FASTQ quality control tool

    FQC is software that facilitates quality control of FASTQ files by carrying out a QC protocol using FastQC, parsing results, and aggregating quality metrics into an interacti...

    1299 days ago

  • MEGAN6

    Microbiome analysis using a single application MEGAN6 is a comprehensive toolbox for interactively analyzing microbiome data. All the interactive tools you need in one appli...

    2868 days ago

  • Genome STRiP

    Genome STRiP (Genome STRucture In Populations) is a suite of tools for discovering and genotyping structural variations using sequencing data. The methods are designed t...

    2825 days ago

  • Understanding PacBio

    This tutorial includes resources for learning more about PacBio data and bioinformatics analysis, and includes content suitable for both beginners and experts. Below are link...

    2654 days ago

  • Bambus

    Bambus 2.0, the second generation Bambus scaffolder available as an open source package. While most other scaffolders are closely tied to a specific assembly program, B...

    2846 days ago

  • KisSplice

    KisSplice is a software that enables to analyse RNA-seq data with or without a reference genome. It is an exact local transcriptome assembler that allows to identify SNPs, in...

    2846 days ago