Results for "INDEL"



  • Pilon

    ...nome and the evidence in the reads. It then attempts to make improvements to the input genome, including: Single base differences Small indels Larger indel or block substitution events...

    3035 days ago

  • WgSim

    ...t is able to simulate diploid genomes with SNPs and insertion/deletion (INDEL) polymorphisms, and simulate...reads with uniform substitution sequencing errors. It does not generate INDEL sequencing errors, but this c...

    2900 days ago

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  • Sorghum genome Sequenced!!

    ...and climate change. The recent research provides an unmatched resource to respond to these challenges by identifying a large high-quality SNP and indel data set in diverse sorghum g...

    3925 days ago

  • Scalpel GATK HaplotypeCaller and SOAPindel in test runs on both whole human exomes. Like other indel callers, Scalpel works by per...t are a regular source of error in indel calling. When Scalpel assembl...y be linked to a high incidence of indels. One thousand indels from th...

    3573 days ago

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  • WgSim

    Reads simulator Wgsim is a small tool for simulating sequence reads from a reference genome. It is able to simulate diploid genomes with SNPs and insertion/deletion (INDEL) polymorphisms, and simulate reads with uniform substitution sequencing errors. It does not generate INDEL sequencing errors...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, NGS, Reads, Silulator, INDEL, SNPs, Simulation

    2900 days ago

  • SvABA: Structural variation and indel detection by local assembly

    SvABA is a method for detecting structural variants in sequencing data using genome-wide local assembly. Under the hood, SvABA uses a custom implementation of SGA (String Graph Assembler) by Jared Simpson, and BWA-MEM by Heng Li. Contigs are assembled for every 25kb window (wi...

    Tags: SvABA, Structural, variation, indel, detection, local, assembly

    1544 days ago
