Results for "MIKE"


  • SLURM Commands

    ...ormat="%i %P %j %u %T %l %C %S" JOBID PARTITION NAME USER STATE TIMELIMIT CPUS START_TIME 706 SOE_main Par_job_3 mike PENDING 3-00:00:00 64 2015-...

    697 days ago


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ResearchLabs posts

  • Mike Ritchie Lab

    Mike Ritchie Lab primary research focus is the detection of susceptibility genes for common diseases such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease...

    3895 days ago

  • Talkowski Laboratory

    ...tions on human neurodevelopment and neuropsychiatric disorders, and the application of innovations in sequencing technology to genetic diagnostics. Mike received undergraduate degree...

    2362 days ago

