Results for "End of Evolution"


  • Five points for bioinformatics software/tools

    In the bioinformatics sector we mostly spend time on computational analysis of hu...confusing over open source, user friendly GUI, and commercial sure your will enjoy it. I recommend your to swim freely in code&r...ome assembly and annotation. At the end, I wo...

    3735 days ago

  • Installing Perl GD Module

    ...amongst them. In my research I used Evolution Highway (RH) http://eh-...t will prompt you for a number of dependencies, type 'y' and hit enter to install all of the dependencies. Then watch it work.To...vfibeand so on. Those strings at the end (VkB and so on) look random so they...

    3967 days ago

  • +35 more Blogs


  • Enzyme Portal

    Enzyme Portal- To look for information about the biology of a protein with enzym...ble format, with a usable interface designed for intended users. Instead of reinventi...kes use of available and reliable resources to that end. Rel...

    3924 days ago

  • The First 50 Plant Genomes

    Plant scientists can exploit available 50 plant complete genomic data for their re...nderstanding the genetic mechanism behind their different traits and molecular evolution. Complete information about t...

    3876 days ago

  • +104 more Bookmarks



Top-level pages

  • Bioinformatics Definitions have multiple functions depending on context (e.g., subcella...ntain information on sequence evolution in the form of specific...on of PsiBLAST [3]; studying evolutionary aspects, by the constructi...enomics projects make an independent validation of the structures (by...

    3975 days ago

  • Data Mining in Bioinformatics

    Data mining, the extraction of hidden predictive information from large...mped in your lap. Find the patterns, trend, answers, or what ever meanin...if you’re thrown in at the deep end. Data mining commonly involv...ginners R can be impenetrable, I recommend this...

    3974 days ago

  • +43 more Top-level pages

Wire posts

  • Artificial Life Simulator (in VB6) by Tanner Helland #Evolution #SourceCode

    3852 days ago

  • perl -nle '$count += () = /XY[0-9]+/g; END {print $count}' inputfile #Count #Perl #Perloneliner

    3675 days ago

  • +46 more Wire posts


Opportunity posts

ResearchLabs posts


  • How DNA is Packaged (Advanced)

    Each chromosome consists of one continuous thread-like molecule of DNA coiled tightly...ther and these then stack on top of each other. The end result is a fiber of packed n...dividing. At other times, as we can see here at the end of ce...

    3904 days ago

  • Evolution and Cancer

    ...series of mutations, the ability to grow independently, to recruit resources fr...ncer-causing somatic cell population, this is evolution driven by mutation and select...of molecular genetic studies of experimental evolution in yeast and the molecular ge...

    3900 days ago

  • +3 more Video
