Results for "Ra"


  • Comment on "Basic command-line to run BLAST"

    Understanding the parameters

    426 days ago

  • Comment on "Benchmarking Perl Module !"

    ...ite benchmark code: Write a simple benchmark program that exercises the functionality of your Perl module. This program should take the form of a su...methese function to run the benchmark for 100 iterations: timethese(100, { 'My...

    444 days ago

  • Comment on "A quick guide to Phred scaling"

    ...Phred quality scores are represented as integers ranging from 0 to 60. The higher...Phred score of 10 corresponds to a base call accuracy of 90%, while a Phred score...Each quality score is represented as an ASCII character, with the character code...

    444 days ago

  • Comment on "Short-read assembly using Spades !"

    ...ort-read assembly. Here are the general steps for short-read SPAdes: Quality control of raw reads: Before running the as...ough a command-line interface or a graphical user interface. The com...or sets of conserved genes. Iterative assembly: If the quality...

    444 days ago

  • Comment on "Read Simulators"

    ...or) is a popular tool for generating synthetic reads based on...te reads with different error rates, read lengths, and insert...different read lengths, error rates, and coverage levels. The...t read simulator that can generate synthetic reads from whole...

    444 days ago

  • Comment on "How to install Perl modules manually, using CPAN command, and other quick ways"

    ...o your conda-directory. When you install packages via cpan it will also print the folder perl is installing the package into. If you want to be extra-sure, you can also install mo...

    444 days ago

  • Comment on "Short-read assembly using Spades !"

    ...assembly. It can assemble reads generated from Illumina, IonTorrent,...le for Linux, macOS, and Windows operating systems. Prepare the...end, they should be provided in separate files for each read. R...rowser. SPAdes also provides several options for tuning the assem...

    449 days ago

  • Comment on "Tools for Sequence translation !"

    Sequence translation is the process of the analysis of genomic and transcriptomic data. There are several tools available for sequence...sequences at once. EMBOSS Transeq: This is a command-line t...-line tool that can perform several sequence manipulations, incl...

    449 days ago

  • Comment on "Tools for Differential expression analysis"

    ...ely used technique in genomics and transcriptomics research that all...conditions or groups. There are several tools available for performi...ysis of RNA-Seq data. It uses a generalized linear model to model of RNA-Seq data. It uses a non-parametric method based on the rel...

    449 days ago

  • Comment on "Tools for RNA classification"

    There are several tools available for RNA classification, each with its own strengths...A genes in genomic sequences. It uses a combination of HMM-based and comparative sequence analysis approac...

    449 days ago