Results for "AP"


  • BINC Exam merged with DBT- BET JRF Exam

    ...good attempt to unify and create a national benchmark for talent. And we appreciate this endeavor from De...ning Programme (BITP). Students of Bioinformatics, who are interested to apply for Fellowship or Industri...

    1958 days ago

  • 200 point roster restored !

    ...ies will increase from 1,241  to 2,663.   Read More :

    1942 days ago


    Apply for the Science & SciL...oment in your scientific career.  Application deadline: July 15th,...dquo;My advice for those thinking about applying for the Science& Simunovic, 2017 Category Winner APPLY NOW  

    1873 days ago

  • JNU openings !

    ...  Detailed advt. Advt. No. RC/60/2019 for Professor :- Window advt. and Detailed advt. Click to apply Online Last date for submission of applications completed in all re...

    1790 days ago

  • BLAST nr version 5 database, (nr_v5)

    ...BLAST results takes you to a full list of all accessions associated with a sequence. For BLAST+ users downloading nr_v5: the database is now approximately 50% smaller, resul...

    1775 days ago

  • Automatic Predictive Model Constructor - APMC interested in the subject of machine learning in life science, to test APMC module, it`s a fully autom...ssion purposes. Links to tool, instruction and documentation bellow: APMC:

    1750 days ago

  • IITM-Tokyo Tech Joint Symposium

    ...India in collaboration with Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo-Tech), Japan. During the symposium, experts in various domains of Bioinformatics gather from India and Japan under one roof to discuss a...

    1713 days ago

  • 598 Indian Genomes from 55 ethnic groups Sequenced

    ...this study. Once this part of the work is expanded, the data from this can be used to screen individuals to understand the disease risk and provide appropriate monitoring and proac...

    1662 days ago

  • ForBio and UiB course: Introduction to phylogenetic methods

    ...for taxonomic training with relevance to the main research project of the applicant, and aim to allow the...n-training visits are no longer eligible for support.  There are two application deadlines: Marc...

    1660 days ago

  • BLAST+ 2.10.0 released

    ...n you request fewer than the default number of results an experimental Adaptive Composition Based Statist...novel results.  To enable this option set the environment variable ADAPTIVE_CBS to 1.  We welcom...

    1657 days ago