Results for "IT"


  • BINC 2015 !!!

    Pondicherry University,Puducherry,on behalf of April 30,2015. Pondicherry University, Puducherry has been identif...o coordinate this examination along with nine centres namely, Pune Un...ionals to pursue Ph.D. in Indian Institutes/Universities. Note that t...

    3362 days ago

  • R 3.2.0 is released

    ...w R version available, and if so it will download+install it (etc.). If you are an R blog...ices. Several of those included with R use a "filepath" attribute...t which uses long vectors on 64-bit platforms. dget() gains a ne...least undesirable) when thedefinition argument was a function....

    3356 days ago

  • Ensembl 27

    What is new? Expansion of Protists and Fungi with hundreds of annotated genomes Variation data for bread wheat, rice, Aedes aegypti, and Ixodes scapularis Whole genome alignmen...

    3296 days ago

  • Sequencing By Xpansion

    ...ome 1000X over. To achieve this, an Xpandomer replaces each DNA sequence with a sequence of large, high a nanopore detector. SBX is a molecular engineering platform that benefits from core design principles...

    3295 days ago

  • OpenCPU

    ...ailable today. OpenCPU uses standard R packaging to develop, ship and deploy web applications. Several open source example apps are available from Github. Installing your own Open...

    3277 days ago

  • Cancer research database

    ...umours to provide their colleagues with easy access to insights into...sted at the Sri Venkateswara University (SVU) in Tirupati, will inte...molecular level by combining data with literature on treatment regi...different genes and markers along with their molecular characterist...

    3219 days ago

  • Learn Programming

    A website called has aggregated almost tutorials for every programing language in their website . Take a look if you are a newbie.

    3197 days ago

  • ArrayGen Next Generation Genome Browser Coming Soon !!!

    ...s a fast and an efficient genome browser, built with Javafx and Java swing. ANG g...latest next generation sequencing data analysis. It is platform independent and m...rmats such as GFF, BED, GTF, FASTA, VCF, BAM and it can be integrated with other...

    3127 days ago

  • Webinar on Streamlining large scale analysis using the Strand NGS Pipeline Manager on 24 Feb 2016

    ...ethyl-Seq analysis. Each workflow includes a quality assessment and filter sectio...pecific analysis section. The pipeline functionality in Strand NGS allows users have well-chosen default parameters and are suitable for users analyzing data...

    3063 days ago

  • Predictions from Fred Bazzoli, Editor of Health Data Management

    2993 days ago