Results for "NT"


  • R for Microsoft Excel

    If you currently use a spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel for data analysis, you might be interested in taking a look at th...g Excel as a data source, though, so you'll also want to check out this guide to im...

    3414 days ago

  • BCIL Bioinformatics BITP Application !!

    ...2015 BCIL Admission 2015. BCIL has conducted an entrance exam which is scheduled...that should be paid through demand draft. Applicants who satisfy the organization...are updated soon at the main URL of the department and aspirants should keep in...

    3355 days ago

  • BINC 2015 !!!

    ...Puducherry,on behalf of Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, will conduct the BI...versity, Puducherry has been identified as a nodal agency by the...University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram; Jawaharlal Nehru Univ... Few dates...

    3361 days ago

  • R 3.2.0 is released

    ...yNA() gains a recursive argument. When x is missing and names...F() gain a fileEncoding argument, for convenience. Graphics d...and this is a check that conventions have not got mixed). gains an envir argument for specifying the environmen...

    3354 days ago

  • Ensembl 27

    ...otists and Fungi with hundreds of annotated genomes Variation data for bread wheat, rice, Aedes aegypti, and Ixodes scapularis Whole genome alignments for O. longistaminata and T....

    3295 days ago

  • BLAST+ updated !!!

    ...) and JSON BLAST output format, as well as several bug fixes and improvements. The BLAST AMI at AWS will a...e this BLAST Help page for more information). For a full list of improvements, see the release notes. Mor...

    3295 days ago

  • Sequencing By Xpansion

    ...action to encode the sequence of a DNA molecule into a highly measurable surrogat...ndomer in a single drop reaction to sequence an entire human genome 1000X over. T...en read out as the Xpandomer reporters pass sequentially through a nanopore detec...

    3294 days ago

  • OpenCPU

    OpenCPU is a system for embedded scientific computing and reproducible research. The OpenCPU server provides a reliable and interoperable HTTP API for data analysis based on R. The OpenCPU JavaScript client library provides the most sea...

    3276 days ago

  • Cancer research database

    ...with easy access to insights into the genetic alterations in c...sity (SVU) in Tirupati, will integrate information on cancer g...ata with literature on treatment regimen and recent advances i...eed for a database for different genes and markers along with...

    3218 days ago

  • ArrayGen Next Generation Genome Browser Coming Soon !!!

    ...ayGen Technologies. This is a fast and an efficient genome browser, built with Ja...equencing data analysis. It is platform independent and much simpler to use. GFF, BED, GTF, FASTA, VCF, BAM and it can be integrated with other browsers or...

    3125 days ago