Results for "No"


  • SPADes team announce new version SPADes v3.15

    New SPAdes announced by the SPADes team This release includes such new featu...c and metatranscriptomic data of full-length coronaviridae genomes; - Meta-Viral and RNA-Viral pipelines for metagenomic and metatranscriptomic dat...

    1263 days ago

  • NCBI Datasets pages

    Update! Assembly and Genome record pages now redirect to new NCBI Dataset...ov/2023/07/11/ncbi-datasets-genome-assembly-pages/ #NCBIC...easier to find and download genome data.    The followin...ion to return to the legacy Genome and Assembly record pages....

    355 days ago

  • GenBank release 257.0 is now available!

    GenBank release 257.0 is now available! This release has 25.10 trillion bases and 3.69 billion records...2023/08/21/genbank-release-257/ GenBank release 257.0 (8/15/2023) is now available on the NCBI F...

    313 days ago

  • NCBIBLAST+ 2.14.1 now available

    #NCBIBLAST+ 2.14.1 now available with improved documentation, faster and more reliable database d...nbsp;crashing blastn and blastx. Check out the release notes. Download BLAST+ 2.1...

    306 days ago

  • Cleaner BLAST Databases for More Accurate Results results. To address this problem, we now use the NCBI quality assuran...sp; Foreign Contamination Screen tool for genome cross-species screening ( the taxonomic classification of prokaryotic genome assemblies. Sequences from...

    69 days ago