Results for "GA"


  • Scientists map 17,294 proteins produced in human body

    ...arge majority of the human proteome. The Indian scientists working in Bangalore, along with their American counterparts, have mapped more than 17,000 proteins in 30 organs of the human body. Just lik...

    3678 days ago

  • NCBI Webinar

    ..., NCBI will offer a webinar entitled "Introducing 3 NCBI Resources to Navigate Testing for Disease Linked...elve into the lifecycle of genetic testing and teach attendees how to navigate the NIH Genetic Testing Reg...

    3668 days ago

  • An Explosion Of Bioinformatics Careers

    ...ntists who are entranced by data can pursue more career options than ever before. By Alaina G. Levine

    3654 days ago

  • Breaking chromosomes to study cancer !!!

    ...expression profiles in these cultured cells. Now, Juan Carlos Ramirez, head of the Viral Vector Facility at the Fundacion Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC)...

    3628 days ago

  • You and your friend have similar DNA !!!

    New research out of Massachusetts claims that people often choose friends that are similar to them in genetics and they are more accurate than you might suppose. A st...

    3618 days ago

  • Ebola virus disease (EVD)or Ebola haemorrhagic fever !!! in Sierra Leone, Guinea, Nigeria and Liberia.Hence, the World Health Organisation (WHO) on 8 August, 20...uman-to-human transmission can occur through direct contact with blood, organs or other body fluids of inf...

    3604 days ago

  • Surrogate Variable Analysis (SVA)

    ...age contains functions for the identifying and building surrogate variables for high-dimensional data sets. Surrogate variables are covariates co...rtifacts in three ways: (1) identifying and estimating surrogate variables for unknown sourc...

    3524 days ago

  • IPython: Interactive notebooks

    ...k, you can visit our example collection, and you can read the documentation for all the details on how to use and configure the system. The Notebook Gallery showcases many interesti...

    3515 days ago

  • deepTools

    ...ku365.fullSource Code and Wiki: Tool Shed repository: example Galaxy workflows: http://toolshe...

    3514 days ago

  • Genome Origami

    ...well as how DNA folding affects gene regulation. The research team created this delightful video that demonstrates the principles involved using origami art. http://bioinformatics...

    3480 days ago