Results for "N"


  • Edit DNA !!!

    A genome-engineering tool known as Crispr may allow scientists to alter the DNA of humans, animals and plants, a research b...e a significant impact on science and fighting diseases, acco...en years ago, may provide scientists with unprecedented power...

    3766 days ago

  • Paper test for cancer !!!

    The American Cancer Society projects the numbers of new cancer cases and deaths expected each year in...Facts & Figures publications present the most current tre...cs. These newly developed technology will allow non-communica...ys and are excreted in the urine. To create the test strips,...

    3773 days ago

  • Update Genome Workbench 2.7.15 released

    NCBI Genome Workbench is an integrated application for viewing and analyzing sequence data....private data. Genome Workbench can display sequence data i...ible cross-platform API for managing system internals, databa...a user error Graphical Sequence View: PDF export fixed rend...

    3772 days ago

  • Upgrade R 3.0.3

    R is a free software programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics. The R language...packages/installr/ . Simply run the following code:# installi...s.r.txt")New.R.RunMe() Reference: http://www.r-statistics.c...

    3761 days ago

  • Scalpel

    A team from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory has released an algorithm, called Scalpel, for finding insertions and a regular source of error in indel calling. When Scalpel a...may be linked to a high incidence of indels. One thousand ind...

    3598 days ago

  • Bio-Rad Acquires GnuBIO

    3721 days ago

  • Genome of Rainbow Trout Sequenced

    Major finding: “In humans and most vertebrates the duplication events were older so there are fewer duplicated genes still present. Most of the dupl...nizable as duplicates over time. In the trout and salmon we can the journal Nature Communications. Source: http://www.sci-ne...

    3715 days ago

  • Tsetse Fly Genome sequenced

    As it reported online today in Science, the team used several sequencing approaches to tackle the tsetse fly's 366 million base genome. The current study, and companion article...ted Tropic Diseases, are the result of  nearly 150 researchers bas...

    3715 days ago

  • Deadly Human Pathogen Cryptococcus Sequenced

    "Now, researchers have sequenced the entire genome and all the RNA products of the most important pathogenic lineage of Cryptococcus n...alled H99. The results, which appear in PLOS Genetics, also its ability to sexually reproduce and render it less virulent." S...

    3715 days ago

  • “On” and “Off” the neuron !!!

    Optogenetics is a recent innovation in neuroscience that gives researchers the ability to control the activity of neurons w...neurons that are thought to control behavior and, when misfir...ed by combining natural proteins from green algae. That...

    3714 days ago