Results for "N"


  • Breaking chromosomes to study cancer !!!

    Chromosomes are present in every cell of our body and they contain the information the body needs to develop and function properly. This info...ion of one chromosome is exchanged with that of another, non-...locations for the first time in a human cell line and in prim...

    3631 days ago

  • You and your friend have similar DNA !!!

    New research out of Massachusetts claims that people often choose friends that are similar to them people are apt to pick friends who are genetically similar...on markers of genetic variations), comparing unrelated friend...ght be a straightforward explanation: People who like the sam...

    3621 days ago

  • Ebola virus disease (EVD)or Ebola haemorrhagic fever !!!

    ...emorrhagic fever is a severe and often deadly illness in humans, cau...ever recorded of Ebola, killing at least 932 people and the first pateint becomes infected through contact with an...precautions for all patients in the healthcare setting.Steril...

    3608 days ago

  • GrapheR !!!

    What a wonderful gem GrapheR is.... Oh ye...eR is a GUI for base graphics in R by http://www.maximeherve.c...age provides a graphical user interface for creating base char...user interface is very clear and the code is written along si...UI than reading the help file and trying to understand the var...

    3604 days ago

  • pybedtools

    pybedtools is a Python wrapper for Aaron Quinlan's BEDtools programs (https...ools), which are widely used for genomic interval manipulation or "genome algebra". pybedtools extends BEDTools by offering featur.../pybedtools/. More at A powe...

    3598 days ago

  • A comprehensive atlas of human gene activity released !!! produced the first comprehensive, detailed map of the way genes work across the major...he complex networks that govern gene activity, and the new in...activity, whether it’s in a brain cell, the skin, in bl...nal Annotation of the Mammalian Genome). The FANTOM project,...

    3585 days ago

  • Ensembl 77 has been released!

    New updates in e!77 !! Updated human gene set (GENCODE 21) Updated rat gene set including manual annotation from HAVANA New species: Verv...y Imported Transcript Support Levels (TSLs) from UCSC for human and&nb...

    3552 days ago

  • Surrogate Variable Analysis (SVA)

    The sva package contains functions for removing batch effects and other unwanted variation in high-throughput experiment...contains functions for the identifying and building surrogate...orey 2007 PLoS Genetics,2008 PNAS), (2) directly removing kn...

    3527 days ago

  • A powerful, yet simple, gene set analysis tool for interpreting RNA-seq and NGS results.

    LifeMap Sciences is introducing GeneAnalytics, our new gene set a...ists from variable sources. GeneAnalytics provides gene...GeneAnalytics is very simple and intuitive to use. GeneAnaly...try it out for free at, and...

    3527 days ago

  • IPython: Interactive notebooks

    The IPython Notebook is a web-based interactive computational environment where you can combine...tion, text, mathematics, plots and rich media into a single doc...such as HTML or PDF, etc. You can share any publicly available...ything. To learn more about using the IPython Notebook, you ca...

    3519 days ago