Results for "Test"


  • Two major breakthrough!! sequenced the genome of the high-value Tannat grape, from which "the most healthy of red wines" are fermented. A quick, $1 syphilis test in development by researchers...

    3935 days ago

  • RNA-Seq Data Pathway and Gene-set Analysis Workflows

    ...eq Data Pathway and Gene-set Analysis Workflows“. First cover a full workflow from preparation, reads counting, data preprocessing, gene set test, to pathway visualization in...

    3870 days ago

  • Paper test for cancer !!!

    ...logy (MIT) has developed a cheap, simple, paper test that can detect cancer. These diagnostic, which works much like a pregnancy test, could reveal within minutes,...ument to do these kind of analysis. These paper test essentially relies on nanopar...

    3758 days ago

  • Scalpel

    ...Scalpel, which is open source and available for download on SourceForge, outperformed the popular tools GATK HaplotypeCaller and SOAPindel in test runs on both simulated and re...

    3583 days ago

  • NCBI Webinar

    ...itled "Introducing 3 NCBI Resources to Navigate Testing for Disease Linked Variant...ebinar will delve into the lifecycle of genetic testing and teach attendees how detailed information about orderable genetic tests, interpret test results, and...

    3656 days ago

  • R 3.2.0 is released

    ...# installing/loading the latest installr package: in package base to test efficiently whether one or optional argument run.donttest and tools::Rd2ex() a correspo...e. The print() methods for "htest", "pairwise.htest" and "power...

    3342 days ago

  • BINC 2016

    ...r - II will be of short answer type questions of three hours duration while the Paper- III will be a practical examination of two hours duration to test analytical ability and progra...

    2953 days ago

  • Webinar on Diagnosis of Rare Diseases using NGS Based Multi-gene Testing- Case studies by Dr.Aparna Ganapathy on 18 Apr 2018

    ...nt and disease management. Conventional genetic testing for rare diseases focuses...robe amplifi¬cation (MLPA). This sequential testing strategy is time consuming...the interesting case studies wherein multi-gene testing with NGS was helpful in ar...

    2276 days ago

  • Automatic Predictive Model Constructor - APMC

    I would like to invite everyone interested in the subject of machine learning in life science, to test APMC module, it`s a fully automatic tool (created...

    1729 days ago


    ...Fellowship (DBT-JRF) in Biotechnology (2020) BIOTECHNOLOGY ELIGIBILITY TEST (BET) 2020 Applications are...The candidates will be selected through “Biotechnology Eligibility Test (BET)”. Based on the pe...

    1390 days ago