Results for "lab"


  • The Hiller Lab at the LOEWE-TBG in Frankfurt is looking for an ambitious PostDoc– Comparative Genomics

    The mission of our group is to discover genomic determinants of phenotypic differences between species, which is important to understand how nature's fascinating phenotypic diversity evolved and how it is encoded in the genome. Work in the lab ranges from genome assembly and alignment to annotati...

    Tags: Hiller, Lab, LOEWE-TBG, Frankfurt, ambitious, PostDoc, Comparative Genomics

    1309 days ago

  • Postdoc in Genomics of Pipefishes and Seahorses at NSF-funded postdoctoral project in Adam Jones' Lab

    An NSF-funded postdoctoral position is available in Adam Jones' Lab at the University of Idaho to study the evolution and development of the male's brood pouch in syngnathid fishes (seahorses, pipefishes and seadragons). The project is being conducted in collaboration with Dr. William Cresko'...

    Tags: NSF-funded, postdoctoral, position, Adam Jones, Lab, Comparative, Genomics

    1241 days ago

  • Opportunity at McDermott Center Bioinformatics Lab

    Our team, composed of experts from diverse backgrounds including genetics, cancer biology, computer science, bioinformatics, and microbiology, stays current with evolving bioinformatics techniques. We offer consulting, customized service, and collaboration opportunities. We suggest visiting us to...

    Tags: Opportunity, McDermott, Center, Bioinformatics, Lab

    427 days ago

  • Open Positions in Pasini’s lab

    Computational Biologists Open to PhD-student and Post-doc candidates We are looking for wet and computational biologists to work on an ERC funded project in our laboratory located at the Department of Experimental Oncology of the European Institute of Oncology in Milan (Italy). The project wi...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Open, Positions, Pasini, lab, Italy

    2674 days ago

  • "IdeasLab"* workshop !

    A new, grant-funded opportunity seeks early career researchers interested in life's origins: Applications are invited to an all-expenses paid position at a 5-day "IdeasLab"* workshop to be held near Prague CZ in June 2022. Thirty successful applicants wil...

    Tags: idea, lab, idealab, evolution, concept

    850 days ago