Results for "Drug design"


  • Bioinformatics Articles links

    I found several useful bioinformatics articles which exaplain, define and...formatics & Cheminformatics in the Drug Discovery Cycle , 1997....56. Turbo-charging bioinformation for drug discovery , Feb 2000, pp...mbinatorX gets $40 million to look for drug s...

    3948 days ago

  • Genome Assembly Tools and Software - PART2 !!

    The genome assemblers generally ta...genomes while the others are designed aiming at handling complex...sembly pipeline. This modular design will foster the development o...Reads ASseMbly) algorithm is designed for DNA assembly of the sho...sembler or scaffolder, and is designed to run in a cluster environ...

    2713 days ago

  • Awesome perl frameworks, libraries and software - PART 3

    fujiwara/perl-queue-q4pg-lite - - 使用Perl + Moose实现《Head First Design Pattern》的大部分例子 mudler/ book, Modern Perl with CPAN jeffa/DesignPatterns-Perl - Perl (wit...displays them in a discovery friendly design. yuri-gushin/Roboo - Ro...

    2522 days ago

  • Awesome perl frameworks, libraries and software - PART 4

    tjstein/php5-fpm-munin-plugins - A set of Munin plugins for PHP5-FPM perusio...u - PostgreSQL Cluster performances monitoring and auditing tool cfengine/design-center - CFEngine commun...

    2522 days ago

  • Bioinformatics in Africa: Part2 - Kenya

    ...sp;support data from various EST projects designed to gain in.... Cell cycle regulation 15. Population genetics 16. Vector genomics 17. Drug, vaccine and diagnostic target...

    1211 days ago

  • Bioinformatics in Africa: Part5 - Nigeria

    Covenant University (CU)­Ota:Covenant University (wi...;situated at the University. The institute has been designed to be a Public­Private...artments, the CBBM is been design to award Diplo...

    1211 days ago