Results for "nucleotides"

Top-level pages

  • Tools for Searching Repeats And Palindromic Sequences

    ...are made in detection methods this number is expected to increase. On the other hand; In genetics, the term palindrome refers to a sequence of nucleotides along a DNA (deoxyribonucleic...

    2239 days ago

  • NGS Glossary !! greatly increasing the scale of operations and thus the number of nucleotides, and the number of copies of...same fragment and keep track of the paired data. Adapter Short oligonucleotides which are attached to the DNA...

    2897 days ago

  • Converting FASTQ to FASTA

    ...This helpful help screen. [-r] = Rename sequence identifiers to numbers. [-n] = keep sequences with unknown (N) nucleotides. Default...

    2333 days ago

  • Type of SSR

    ...g of a tandem repeat of a few nucleotides, typically 2-6 nucleotides in length. There are differen...interruptions of non-repeated nucleotides within the repeat array. The...rrupted by several non-repeat nucleotides, followed by the "GTC" sequen...

    451 days ago