Results for "tools !"

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  • Linux for bioinformatician !!!

    ...for computers, provides several powerful admin tools and utilities which will help...on’t know what these no so user-friendly tools are and how to use them, you...p you understand system admin as well as basic tools, which will help you to becom...

    3743 days ago

  • Perl one-liner for bioinformatician !!! around massive amounts of genomics text. There are several "standardized" file formats (FASTQ, SAM, VCF, etc.) and some tools for manipulating them (fastx toolkit, samtools, vcftools, etc.), there are s...

    3666 days ago

  • Next generation sequencing in R or bioconductor environment GenomicRanges, ShortRead, Rsamtools, etc. Documentation Geno...packages including ShortRead, Rsamtools, rtracklayer, GenomicFeatures...Illumina reads. Documentation Rsamtools Rsamtools provides functions...gnment data in BAM format (via Rsamtools) and associating them with ge...

    3662 days ago

  • Commercial and public next-gen-seq (NGS) software

    ...e Sanger Centre. Features extensive supporting tools for DIP/SNP detection, etc. C...terman algorithm. Features a number of support tools. Support for Roche FLX, is available. RSAT - RSAT: RNA-Seq Analysis Tools. RNASAT is developed and main...

    3556 days ago

  • miRNA database and tools

    ...iptional and post-transcription levels. Here are some important DBs and tools related with miRNA: miRNA Sequencing data analysis : miRNApat...

    3533 days ago

  • Apps for Busy Bioinformatics Researchers !!!

    ...DNA sequencing files - ab1. It includes handy tools such as "Reverse Complement",...combination with other zip apps, and also web-tools like Blast, this app allows y...DNA sequencing files - ab1. It includes handy tools such as "Reverse Complement",...

    3579 days ago

  • Pathway Analysis

    ...he genes, their transcripts, and their gene products. However, existing tools and dbs mainly based on Impotant Database and Tools: GeneMANIA, Cytoscape, ...

    3533 days ago

  • Software packages for next gen sequence analysis

    ...e Sanger Centre. Features extensive supporting tools for DIP/SNP detection, etc. C...terman algorithm. Features a number of support tools. Support for Roche FLX, available. * RSAT - RSAT: RNA-Seq Analysis Tools. RNASAT is developed and main...

    3280 days ago

  • Comprehensive list of visualization tools for biological pathways

    ...visualization. Following are the comprehensive list of visualization tools for biological pathways: BiN...ays and map experimental data to them Web tools for pathways ArrayXPath ...

    2324 days ago

  • Binding Site Prediction in Protein ! fundamental to all biological functions. In this section we include tools that can assist in prediction of interaction sites on protein surface and tools for predicting the structure...

    2240 days ago