Results for "CA"

Top-level pages

  • Short-read assembly using Spades !

    ...also assemble these using the tool Spades. You can try this here, or try it lat...1 illumina_R1.fastq.gz -2 illumina_R2.fastq.gz --careful --cov-cutoff auto -o spa...reads -2 is input file of reverse reads --careful minimizes mismatche...

    876 days ago

  • Elgg Installation steps !

    ...lows the creation of social environments such as campus social networks and inter...equires MySQL, PHP, and a web server. Before you can install Elgg, you will privileges to the newly created database. You can replace username a...

    657 days ago

  • Read Simulators

    ...Listed below are some popular short read simulators. Links to their publications are provided as and recently introduced PacBio and ONT simulators. Links to their publications are provided as well. P...

    634 days ago

  • Type of SSR of a tandem repeat of a few nucleotides, typically 2-6 nucleotides in length....or example, a perfect SSR with the repeat motif "CAT" would be "CATCATCATCAT", wh...example, an imperfect SSR with the repeat motif "CAT" would be "CATCATGGCATCATCAT...

    474 days ago

  • Tools for Geospatial data analysis !

    ...r forms of spatial data. They can help you visualize data, per...ilable in Python. These tools can help you work with data from...H3 library is designed specifically for working with hexagonal...e tools offer a wide range of capabilities for working with ge...

    461 days ago

  • Bioinformatics tools for genome assembly !

    ...September 2021: SPAdes: An assembler specifically designed for single-cell a...assembling large and complex genomes. MaSuRCA: A hybrid assembler that comb...noisy long reads from Nanopore sequencing. CANA: An assembler for metagenom...

    337 days ago

  • Steps to find all the repeats in the genome !

    ...o 9 length using a Perl script, you can use the RepeatMasker tool wi...ll RepeatMasker on your system. You can download it from the RepeatM...the species you are analyzing. You can find divergence values for d...e repeats you want to find (in this case, 2 and 9). Analyze t...

    299 days ago

  • Mitochondrial genome assembly tools !

    ...togenome) from sequencing data, typically obtained through technique...MITObim: MITObim is a tool specifically developed for the iterativ...versatile genome assembly tool that can be used for mitochondrial ge...another de novo assembly tool that can be used for mitochondrial ge...

    293 days ago