Results for "split reads"

Top-level pages

  • BBSplit: Read Binning Tool for Metagenomes and Contaminated Libraries

    BBSplit internally uses BBMap to map reads to multiple genomes at once,...uo; flag. The normal use of BBSplit is like Seal, either quantifying how many reads go to each reference, or spli...lmonella, you could do in=reads.fq ref=ecoli.fa,s...

    2346 days ago

  • Converting FASTQ to FASTA

    There are several ways you can convert fastq to fasta sequences. S...or many purposes. One such use is fastq-fasta conversion seqret -sequence reads.fastq -outseq reads.fasta awk can be used...

    2336 days ago

  • PerlOneLiner for Bioinformatician

    FILE SPACING------------ # Double space a fileperl -pe '$\="\n"'perl -pe 'BEGIN { $\="..."@list"' # Create an array from a string@months = split ' ', "Jan Feb Mar Apr May the stringperl -le 'print join ", ", map { ord } split...

    2333 days ago

  • List of visualization tools for genome alignments

    Genome browsers are useful not only for showing fina...or.htm JVM  Java Visual Mapping tool for NGS reads of huge-scale single-end and pair-end short reads

    2315 days ago

  • Awk for Bioinformatician and computational biologist

    ...ions} /pattern2/ {Actions}' file The working of Awk is as followsAwk reads the input files one line at a...TATATAAwk has number of builtin variables. For each record i.e line, it splits the record delimited by whit...

    2311 days ago

  • Some useful Bioinformatics links

    ...apping of nanopore sequencing reads with GraphMap | Nature Commun...s/ncomms11307 lumpy-sv/extractSplitReads_BwaMem at master · jts/nanocorrect:...ols.html How To Filter Mapped Reads With Samtools

    2273 days ago

  • Bioinformatics OneLiner

    ...ete_dataset/"$line"; done To split bam files into sets with mapped and unmapped reads: samtools view -F4 < your_file To count reads in a all .fastq.gz files in y...ead length distribution: cat reads.fastq | awk '{if(NR%4==2) pri...

    2249 days ago

  • Gap filling or Contigs extensions tools !

    There are many tools to perform fill the gap within paired reads" or "Toward almost closed gen...local re-assemblies using 454 reads. We used GAPresolution but it...of interest, and the set S of reads those contigs contain. Let C...ctor, and generate paired-end reads for this library; then try st...

    2196 days ago

  • Frequent Paired-end reads (PE 2x100) mapping command lines

    bowtie2 -x hs37m -X 650 -q -1 r1.fq -2 r2.fq -S r12.bowtie2.sam bwa aln hs37m.fa r1.fq > r1.sai && bwa aln hs37m.fa r2.fq > r2.sai \ &&am...

    2213 days ago

  • LINKS scaffolder bloomfilter setting !

    ➜ bin git:(master) ✗ ls -l total 68 drwxrwxr-x 3 urbe...-s file-of-filenames, full path to long sequence reads or MPET pairs [see below] (Multi-FASTA/fastq format, required) -m MPET reads (default -m 1 = yes, default...

    2182 days ago