Results for "Data Mining Algorithm"

Top-level pages

  • NGS Glossary !!

    alignment: the mapping of a raw sequence read to a location within...ompressed format for storing SAM data. BCF Format: Binary call for...ompressed format for storing VCF data. CIGAR String: Compact Idios...format for storing raw sequence data....ncodes multiple elements of meta-data rega...

    2896 days ago

  • Genome Assembly Tools and Software - PART1 !!

    ...ory saving and convenience of data inquiry, high-throughput short reads data is always initially formatted...ightweight Resources Assembly Algorithm Lightweight resources assembly algorithm for high-throughput sequ...ide Assembler for Metagenomic Data SFA-SPA is a suffix array based...

    2713 days ago

  • Source Code and Pseudo Code !!

    An algorithm is a procedure for solving a problem in terms of th...seudocode to elaborate on the algorithmic detail and not just cite an...xample: NOTE: NEVER ANY DATA DECLARATIONS IN PSEUDOCODE Prin...r pseudocode. Do not include data declarations in your pseudocode....

    2686 days ago

  • Quick next generation sequencing (NGS) terms definition

    fragment size: the Illumina WGS protocol generates paired-end reads from both ends of l...ons, therefore the fragment size distribution can be learned empirically for each WGS data set...

    2549 days ago

  • Awesome perl frameworks, libraries and software - PART 1

    A curated list of awesome Perl frameworks, libraries and source repository garu/Data-Printer - colored pretty...ver for the MySQL and MariaDB databases beide/Bootimg-scripts& written in Perl. grantm/Algori...plication that serves KeePass database entries on a web frontend hak...

    2516 days ago

  • Import R Data

    It is often necessary to import sample textbook data into R before you start worki...;read.xls from the gdata package. It reads from a...system. > library(gdata)     ...k = loadWorkbook("mydata.xls") > df ...

    2516 days ago

  • Phylogenetic & Molecular Genetics Terms and Definitions

    analog -- A feature that appears similar in two taxa which have originated from two differen...mapping of coding sequences, for discovery of new genes and (by reference to sequence data bank...

    2489 days ago

  • Alignment-free sequence comparison tools available for next-generation sequencing data analysis

    kallisto Transcript abundance quantification from RNA-seq data (uses pseudoalignment for rap...of transcripts using RNA-seq data (uses k-mers) https://c...aplogroup classifier from NGS data (k-mer based) Software (Pyth...from unassembled raw sequence data from whole genome sequencing proje...

    2398 days ago

  • SPAdes hybrid genome assembly

    When you have both Illumina and Nanopore data, then SPAdes remains a good o...quired for metagenomic sample data --rna this...bling Advanced options: --dataset <filename>...ead 1 and read 2 of the MiSeq data the nanopore data put the output...

    2378 days ago

  • Single Cell RNAseq data analysis tutorial !!

    ...ul links: Single Cell RNAseq data analysis Tutorial A step-by-...alysis of single-cell RNA-seq data A step-by-step workflow for...regulatory network inference algorithm from single-cell RNA-Seq duri...ession Relationships (SLICER) algorithm for inferring cell trajectori...

    2378 days ago